msg: "{{ json_data.content | b64decode | from_json | json_query('[?condition]') }}" 在上面的示例中,slurp模块用于读取JSON文件,并将其内容存储在json_data变量中。然后,使用b64decode过滤器将Base64编码的内容解码,并使用from_json过滤器将其转换为JSON格式。接下来,使用json_query过滤器执行特定的查询...
数据,所以我使用to_json和from_json将其转换为有效的JSON。上面的JSON数据是我得到的结果。错误是:“item”未定义 那么,如何使用Ansible循环从上述JSON数据结果中获得 浏览5提问于2016-09-09得票数 2 1回答 从JSON字符串中删除\n l特殊字符 、、、 我收到了一个像"{\n \"brand\" : \"BMW\",\n \"...
Useful when you want to avoid conversion into lists or dictionaries for JSON strings, for example. Type: list Default: ['string', 'to_json', 'to_nice_json', 'to_yaml', 'to_nice_yaml', 'ppretty', 'json'] Ini: Section: [jinja2] Key: dont_type_filters Environment: Variable:...
importjson importtime #截取当前用户模块 importgetpass #导入AnsibleError fromansible.module_utils.common._collections_compatimportMutableMapping fromansible.parsing.ajsonimportAnsibleJSONEncoder fromansible.plugins.callbackimportCallbackBase fromansible.errorsimportAnsibleError fromansible.module_utils._textimportt...
AUTHOR: Ansible Core Team, Michael DeHaan METADATA: status: - stableinterface supported_by: core EXAMPLES: # Test we can logon to 'webservers' and execute python with json lib. # ansible webservers -m ping # Example from an Ansible Playbook - ping: # Induce an exception to see what ...
JSON Ansible uses JSON for return data from remote modules. This allows modules to be written in any language, not just Python. Keyword The main expressions that make up Ansible, which apply to playbook objects (Play, Block, Role and Task). For example ‘vars:’ is a keyword that...
optional arguments:--metadata-dump **Forinternaltesting only** Dump json metadataforall plugins.--playbook-dir BASEDIR Sincethistool does not use playbooks, usethisasa substitute playbook directory.This sets the relative pathformany features including roles/ group_vars/etc.--version show program's...
/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-#@Date: 2020-03-18#@File: zhangwei#@Desc: 官方例子解析import json import shutil from ansible.module_utils.common.collections import ImmutableDict from ansible.parsing.dataloader import DataLoader...
.gitpod.launch.json Rename option Oct 8, 2024 .gitpod.yml Fix missing backslash while configuring gitpod env. Nov 25, 2022 .mailmap Update rationale for chronyd_server_directive Sep 19, 2024 .mdl.rb Exclude rule MD014 from MDL lint
kubernetes.core.k8s_json_patchApply JSON patch operations to existing objects kubernetes.core.k8s_logFetch logs from Kubernetes resources kubernetes.core.k8s_rollbackRollback Kubernetes (K8S) Deployments and DaemonSets kubernetes.core.k8s_scaleSet a new size for a Deployment, ReplicaSet, Replication Co...