find in directory find: paths: "{{item.path}}" recurse: yes contains: "{{ file_contains }}" hidden: yes size: "{{ file_size }}" with_list: "{{find_directory.files}}" register: find_contains_in_directory - name: echo find file in directories debug: msg: "{% for i in item....
复制 tasks:-name:"shut down Debian flavored systems"command:/sbin/shutdown-t nowwhen:ansible_facts['os_family']=="Debian"# note that all variables can be used directlyinconditionals without double curly braces 代码语言:javascript 复制 -hosts:web_grouptasks:-name:Install CentOS Httpdyum:name:ht...
比如,我将上面命令的输出结果保存在/tmp/a.ini文件中: $ansible-inventory --list -i static_inventory >/tmp/a.ini 然后写一个Shell脚本my_inventory.sh读取这个文件并输出,内容如下: 1 2 3 4 5 6#!/bin/bashcase "$1" in --list) cat /tmp/a.ini esac 再给Shell脚本执行权限: $chmod+x my_i...
The projects in the Ansible collaborative let you expand automation to an unlimited set of use cases. Ansible Core Learn about the Ansible programming language, automation tooling, and architectural framework. Event-Driven Ansible Subscribe to event sources to scale automation and deliver more efficient...
debug: msg="{{ item }}" with_items: '{{list}}' 查看这个playbook过程,用时6.699s(第一次可能稍微慢点,缓存之后,后面执行就很快了) $ time ansible-playbook test.yml PLAY [] *** TASK [Gathering Facts] ***
find模块: 帮助在被管理主机中查找符合条件的文件,就像 find 命令一样。 selinux模块:远程管理受控节点的selinux的模块 四. Ansible 自动化运维操作记录 1) 实验环境准备 ip地址 主机名 角色 系统版本 ansible-server 主控节点 centos7.5 ansible-node01 受控节点1 centos7.5
主机或主机组在 inventory 清单中指定,可以使用系统默认的/etc/ansible/hosts,也可以自己编辑,在运行的时候加上-i选项,指定清单的位置即可。在运行清单文件的时候,–list-hosts选项会显示那些主机将会参与执行 task 的过程中。 remote_user:指定远端主机中的哪个用户来登录远端系统,在远端系统执行 task 的用户,可以...
- name: find file in dir hosts: kube_node tasks: - name: find txt file find: paths: /opt file_type: file patterns: '*.txt' register: found_files - name: 打印结果 debug: msg: "{{item.path}}" with_list: "{{found_files.files}}" ...
--- name:Ansible Find Examplehosts:testservertasks:-name : Find files older than30daysfind:paths:/var/logpatterns:'*.log'age:30dage_stamp:mtimeregister:output- debug:var=item.pathwith_items:"{{ output.files }}" The playbook has two tasks, The First one is with the find module to find...
1. 概述 Ansible是一个部署一群远程主机的工具。这里“远程主机(Remote Host)”是指任何可以通过SSH登录的主机,所以它既可以是远程虚拟机或物理机,也可以是...