-e 定义Playbook中使用的变量,格式"key=value,key=value" --remote-user #远程用户 --ask-pass #远程用户密码 --sudo #使用sudo --sudo-user #sudo的用户,默认root --ask-sudo-pass #sudo密码 扩展: (1)handlers:见test1 (2)environment:为某个play设置单独的环境变量,例子见P94-95 (3)delegate_to:任...
[root@worker232 ~]#2.加载Playbook示例 [root@worker232 ~]# ansible-playbook ping.yamlPLAY [all]*** TASK [Gathering Facts]***
environment: "{{ proxy_env }}" 某些语言环境的管理工具(NVM)需要使用环境变量,可以通过 environment 进行设置,参考Setting the Environment (and Working With Proxies)示例。 如何根据条件为变量赋值? Ansible: Conditionally define variables in vars file if a certain condition is met 当条件不同时,我们需要为...
Environment variables are key-value pairs that can influence the behavior of the tools that run in a system. They act as global settings which allows the different processes to communicate and configure their behavior without modifying the code. This tutorial teaches us how to work with environmen...
I'm using ansible-playbook to deploy my django application to Ubuntu servers. I'm storing my django environment variables in .bashrc file of the user ubuntu in the server. But my ansible-playbook is not using the env variables in .bashrc even when i'm running as ubuntu user. Is there ...
Ansible supports several sources for configuring its behavior, including an ini file named ansible.cfg, environment variables, command-line options, playbook keywords, and variables. See Controlling how Ansible behaves: precedence rules for details on the relative precedence of each source.The...
cel*_*-in 6 python centos environment-variables ansible 我需要循环 Ansible 角色并保存迭代的索引。我的目标是在每次迭代中使用 my-role 中的数字(在本例中为 INDEX)。我的角色执行其他剧本,我需要每次迭代的 INDEX 值。我想在另一个 ansible-playbook 中使用该索引。所以我的计划是设置一个环境变量以从其他...
在ansible你能够通过不同的输入去重复的执行同一个模块,举个例子,你需要管理几个具有相同权限的文件.你能够用一个for循环迭代一个facts或者variables去减少你的重复劳动. 使用with_items这个关键字就可以完成迭代一个列表.列表里面的每个变量都叫做item.有一些模块譬如yum,它就支持使用with_items去安装一列表的包,而不...
Configuration using environment variables(使用环境变量配置) export ANSIBLE_SUDO_USER=root The ANSIBLE_SUDO_USER variable can then be used as part of the playbooks. 定义的 ANSIBLE_SUDO_USER 变量就能在 playbooks中使用了 Configuration using ansible.cfg ...