Allow to specify choices as dictionary instead of list. d501af6 Collaborator Author felixfontein commented Sep 21, 2022 Result: compare vs.
List:列表,其所有元素均使用“-”打头 列表代表同一类型的元素 示例: # A list of tasty fruits - Apple - Orange - Strawberry - Mango Dictionary:字典,通常由多个key与value构成 键值对 示例: --- # An employee record name: Example Developer job: Developer skill: Elite 也可以将key:value放置于{}中...
对象:键值对的集合,又称为映射(mapping)、哈希(hashes)、字典(dictionary) 数组:一组按次序排列的值,又称为序列(sequence)、列表(list) scalar标量: key对应value yaml name:wang 使用缩进的方式 yaml name:wang 标量是最基本的、不可再分的值,包括: 字符串 布尔值 整数 浮点数 Null 时间 日期 Dictionary字典...
List:列表,其所有元素均使用“-”打头 列表代表同一类型的元素 示例:# A list of tasty fruits-Apple-Orange-Strawberry-Mango Dictionary:字典,通常由多个key与value构成 键值对 示例:---# An employee recordname:ExampleDeveloperjob:Developerskill:Elite 也可以将key:value放置于{}中进行表示,用,分隔多个key:va...
# A list of tasty fruits - Apple - Orange - Strawberry - Mango 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. dictionary:字典,通常由多个key与vaue构成 示例 --- An employee record name: Example Developer job: Developer skill: Elite 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 也可以将 key:value放置于{}中进行表示,用分隔多个 key:value ...
例(list中的所有元素用-开头): - apple - orange - strawberry - mango 例(dictionary通过key: value进行标识): name: Example Developer job: Developer skill: Elite 也可将key: value放置于{}中: {name: Example Developer,job: Developer,skill: Elite} ...
This syntax uses a dictionary where name defined the group to lookup and server defines the server to lookup the group on. netbox.netbox Add cluster host to dynamic inventory response #1219 Add galaxy-importer to CI process #1245 Adjust modules to support NetBox v4.0.0 #1234 Bump jinja2 ...
#A list of tasty fruits - Apple - Orange - Strawberry - Mango一一一一一 12、Dictionary :字典,通常由多个 key与 value 构成。 示例: --- #An employee record name:Example Developer job:Developer skill:Elite 也可以将key:value 放置于{}中进行表示,用,分隔多个 key:value。
Ansible facts are data collected by Ansible from the target system and stored in a dictionary for further reference. Facts include data about the operating system, IP addresses, attached filesystems, and more. You can access this data by using the ansible_facts dictionary variable. For more ...
/etc/ansible/hosts文件格式 inventory文件遵循INI文件风格,中括号中的字符为组名。可以将同一个主机同时归并到多个不同的组中;此外,当如若目标主机使用了非默认的SSH端口,还可以在主机名称之后使用冒号加端口号来标明 代码语言:javascript 复制 例:[root@centos7~]#vim/etc/ansible/hosts[web]