Create a branch based ondeveland set up adev environmentif you want to open a PR. See theAnsible release and maintenancepage for information about active branches. Based on team and community feedback, an initial roadmap will be published for a major or minor version (ex: 2.7, 2.8). The...
{"discovered_interpreter_python":"/usr/bin/python"},"changed":true,"comment":"","create_home":true,"group": 1111,"home":"/home/keer","name":"keer","shell":"/bin/bash","state":"present","system":false,"uid": 1111}[root@192 ~]# ansible web -m shell -a 'cat /etc/passwd ...
The file header reflects the vault ID used to create it: ``$ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.2;AES256;test`` To create a new encrypted data file with the vault ID ‘my_new_password’ assigned to it and be prompted for the password: ansible-vault create --vault-id my_new_password@prompt foo.yml ...
17---hosts:localhostgather_facts:notasks:-name:usefile_by_shellmoduletocreatefilefile_by_shell:# 注:父目录test不存在path:/tmp/test/file1.txtstate:presenttype:filemode:655-name:usefile_by_shellmoduletocreatedirectoryfile_by_shell:path:/tmp/test/dir1state:presenttype:directorymode:755 执行该play...
file: Engages Ansible’s file module to create a new file. path: Defines the path for the new file on the remote host’s hard drive. state: Similar to thetouch commandin the Ubuntu terminal, enteringtouchcreates an empty file in the location you chose. ...
a "name=boysec create_home=no shell=/sbin/nologin" # 给指定用户创建密码 # 方法一 PS: 利用ansible程序user模块设置用户密码信息,需要将密码明文信息转换为密文信息进行设置 生成密文密码信息方法: [root@zabbix ]# ansible -m debug -a "msg={{ '123456' | password_hash('sha512', 'boy...
node { ansiblePlaybook(inventory:'local_inventory/hosts.cfg',playbook:'cloud_playbooks/create-aws.yml',extraVars: [login:'mylogin',toggle:true,forks:8,not_secret: [value:'I want to see this in the logs',hidden:false] ]) } You need to install theAnsiColor pluginto output a colorized A...
create参数 :当要操作的文件并不存在时,是否创建对应的文件。 我们可以使用marker参数自定义”标记”,比如,marker=#{mark}test 这样设置以后,开始标记变成了# BEGIN test,结束标记变成了# END test,没错{mark}会自动被替换成开始标记和结束标记中的BEGIN和END,我们也可以插入很多段文本为不同的段落添加不同的标记...
hammer job-template create \ --file " path_to_my_template_file " \ --job-category " my_category_name " \ --name " my_template_name " \ --provider-type ssh 4.7. 按名称导入 ansible playbook 您可以根据名称导入 satellite,从 capsule 上安装的集合导入 ansible playbook。sate...
[mysqld]' line: | skip_name_resolve = ON innodb_file_per_table = ON innodb_buffer_pool_size = 256M max_connections = 2000 log-bin = master-log - name: "service start mariadb" service: name: mariadb state: started - name: "Login to MySQL and create a database" mysql_db: name...