The value of auto_legacy provides all the same behavior, but for backward-compatibility with older Ansible releases that always defaulted to /usr/bin/python, will use that interpreter if present. Default: auto Version Added: 2.8 Ini: Section: [defaults] Key: interpreter_python Environment:...
[root@localhost ~]# wget [root@localhost ~]# wget [root@localhost ~]# wget
1. 安装的是ansible-core 包,2.13.4 版本 通过ansible官方获取 ansible官方RPM包软件仓库地址: 访问这个地址可以发现:只有epel-6 和epel-7 版本,也就是说仅支持RHEL6 和RHEL7,从RHEL8 开始只能安装ansible-core 这个版本 我们打开epel-7,复制一个ansible 指定版...
Source Distribution:ansible_core-2.17.0rc2.tar.gz- 3125500 bytes c37a81ffdcb244cbd4fd785f53c69bb3cda5acfe9abc3cbf70586af8d022544b (SHA256) Assets2 Loading 👍1birdofprey reacted with thumbs up emoji🎉4Gakhramanzode, remackad, anhnmt, and birdofprey reacted with hooray emoji ️1bird...
Ansible releases a new major release approximately twice a year. The core application evolves somewhat conservatively, valuing simplicity in language design and setup. Contributors develop and change modules and plugins, hosted in collections, much more quickly. ...
包下载地址: yum install -y ansible yum remove ansible yum install gcc gcc-c++ make glibc-devel kernel-headers yum install pycrypto wget xf ansible-1.9.6.tar.gz ...
392cryptography,in 环境说明: 一、安装ansible 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 [root@ansible~]# yum-y install ... 服务器列表 生产环境建议多网络模式,测试环境可以多网络,也可以单网络模式,需要注意的是的,测试服务器4个磁盘,一个系统盘。2个osd(vdb,vdc),一个日志盘(vdd) 网络配置 代码语言:txt AI代码解释 [root@server0 ~]# ifconfig ...
wget tarxf ansible-latest.tar.gz 2.3、进入到解压后的目录,运行 编译并安装 1 2 3 cdansible-2.9.0 python build python setup.pyinstall 2.4创建ansible配置文件目录,并拷贝配置文件到相应目录下 ...
系统版本 cat /etc/redhat-releaseCentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)内核版本 uname -r3.10.0-1160.31.1.el7.x86_64 准备依赖包环境 安装python-devel和openssl-devel yum -y install python-devel openssl-devel libffi-devel 下载源码包文件到自定义文件目录 (...