"src": "/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1565587637.23-170868835783972/source", "state": "file", "uid": 0 } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 当使用connect参数时,dest必须为文件路径。 [root@tlur31drk8wk ~]# ansible test -m copy -a "content='aaa\nb...
=> { "ansible_facts": { "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python" }, "changed": false, "msg": "Source /A not found" } ansible 软件copy模块复制目录信息 [root@ansible01 ~]# mkdir /a [root@ansible02 ~]# mkdir /a [root@ansible-server ~]# touch /A/a.txt - src后面的...
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa # 将私钥交给ssh-agent管理,避免每次连接都需要输入密钥密码 ssh-copy-id这种方式要求你提前知道密码。 通常公司里是不会root密码的,只能通过堡垒机登录,使用第一种方式手动copy 如果报ssh-copy-id: command not found,安装一下 yum -y install openssh-clientsansible ping一下 我们先...
very confusing - why is it saying "expected paths" whencopyis given an explicit path. and then I notice this: - hosts: master any_errors_fatal: true vars: mysource: /project/guests/master/ mydest: /tmp/cdm-master/ tasks: - name: create dest file: path: " {{ mydest }} " state...
We do not recommend this approach, as using your CWD as the root of relative paths can be a security risk. For example: cd /tmp; secureinfo=./newrootpassword ansible-playbook ~/safestuff/change_root_pwd.yml.Common Options This is a copy of the options available from our release, ...
If the destination directory does not exist, thecopymodule takes care of creating it and copying the file to the new directory with the same name as the source file name. # copy_file.yml -name:copy files to destination hosts:localhost ...
ssh-copy-id username@ip ssh-copy-id user@ /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s)to be installed:"/home/zhuchenghai/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"The authenticity of host' ('can't be established.ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:L+9r1co6gUbiX5K8xCz9//...
命令:ansible -m copy -a "src=/etc/hosts dest=/etc/hosts" 例子: [root@server ansible]# ansible -m copy -a "src=/etc/hosts dest=/etc/hosts" [WARNING]: Invalid characters were found in group names but not replaced, use -vvvv to see details ...
script 模块可以帮助我们在远程主机上执行我们编写的管理主机的脚本,也就是说,脚本一直存在于你的管理主机本地,无需手动拷贝到远程主机,你当然也可以使用copy模块将你的脚本拷贝到远程主机,然后执行/bin/bash调用脚本执行,但是这样就太麻烦了,幸好Ansible为我们提供了script管理模块. ...
copy user group service raw command shell script ansible常用模块raw、command、shell的区别: shell模块调用的/bin/sh指令执行 command模块不是调用的shell的指令,所以没有bash的环境变量 raw很多地方和shell类似,更多的地方建议使用shell和command模块。但是如果是使用老版本python,需要用到raw,又或者是客户端是路由器...