When to use thecopymodule vssynchronizemodule If you need to copy many (> 100) deeply nested files recursively, I recommend you use thesynchronizemodule since recursively copying many files withcopyis slow. Thesynchronizemodule is a wrapper aroundrsync, which is very efficient and fast at recursi...
-M MODULE_PATH, --module-path MODULE_PATH prepend colon-separated path(s) to module library (def ault=~/.ansible/plugins/modules:/usr/share/ansible/plu gins/modules) -P POLL_INTERVAL, --poll POLL_INTERVAL set the poll interval if using -B (default=15) -a MODULE_ARGS, --args MODULE_...
because it will use file module to create all the directories, then it is slow !!! Expected Results i change the code: [root@spyinx ansible]#git diff lib/ansible/plugins/action/copy.pydiff --git a/lib/ansible/plugins/action/copy.py b/lib/ansible/plugins/action/copy.py index 2047671b4...
[root@hdss7-11 ansible]# ansible -a "rpm -qi memcached" [WARNING]: Consider using the yum, dnf or zypper module rather than running 'rpm'. If you need to use command because yum, dnf or zypper is insufficient you can add 'warn: false' to this command task or set 'comma...
copy # 变更配置文件 file # 建立目录或文件 service # 启动或停止服务 cron # 定时任务 mount # 挂载设备 firewalld # 防火墙 get_url # 下载软件 command(默认) shell模块 scripts 本质上执行都是执行命令 yum模块示例 (安装present、卸载absent、升级latest、排除exclude、指定仓库enablerepo) ...
- Hosts:运行指定任务的目标主机 - remote_user:在远程主机上执行任务的用户 sudo_user - tasks:任务列表 模块,模块参数; 格式:(1)action:module arguments (2)module:arguments 注意:shell和command模块后面直接跟命令,而非key=value类的参数列表; 1)某任务的状态在运行后为changed时,可通过"notify"通知给相应的...
Fix for win_copy to not remove destination file on change when in check mode (#31469) Fix include_role usage of role_name (#31463) Fix service and package forcing a second run of the setup module to function (#31485) Better error message when attempting to use include or import with ...
Create a random password任务会创建一个随机密码,并保存到变量REDIS_PASSWORD中, Copy redis.conf file会复制配置文件redis.conf.j2到远程主机上面,并使用相关的变量渲染。 尝试执行剧本: sh [root@ansible ansible_playbooks]# ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini redis.yml -v Using /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg as ...
21.5.1.Source tree copy behavior Every job run has its own private data directory. This directory contains a copy of the project source tree for the givenscm_branchthe job is running. Jobs are free to make changes to the project folder and make use of those changes while it is still run...
Installing these files is a perfect activity for Ansible'sfilemodule since they rarely change across all of my servers. For more discussion about when to use thefileorcopymodule, check out myrecent article. -name:Set a message of the daycopy:dest:/etc/motdsrc:etc/motdowner:rootgroup:rootmo...