In order to connect to your Windows hosts properly, you need to make sure that you put inansible_connection=winrmin thehost varssection of your inventory file so that Ansible Engine doesn't just keep trying to connect to your Windows host via SSH. Also, the WinRM connection plugin defaults...
首先配置host文件 inventory 网上大多数是这样写的,只要这里写对也不会有后面的报错 all: children: windows: hosts: ansible_user: admin ansible_password: password ansible_port: 5985 ansible_connection: winrm ansible_winrm_transport: ntlm ##很重要 ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation: i...
- 也可以直接管理本机机器 ansible通过ssh协议实现了,管理节点(安装了ansible服务的机器),被管理节点(被管理机器的节点)的通信。 只能是通过ssh协议登录的主机,就可以完成ansible自动化部署操作 - 批量文件分发 - 批量数据复制 - 批量数据修改、删除 - 批量自动化安装软件服务 - 批量服务启停 - 脚本化,自动批量服...
We will use these details when we attempt to connect to the Windows systems. We can now add our hosts to this group so they inherit the inventory variables we have defined at the group level. In my example, just like a totally logical Vulcan, my host is called windows. With our hosts ...
# ansible windows -m win_ping172.16.1.0| UNREACHABLE! =>{"changed":false,"msg":"plaintext: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=5985): Max retries exceeded with url: /wsman (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f36188c7d10>, 'Connection to...
1、这台主机是Linux系统,但是使用windows方式连接; 2、这台主机防火墙开启,No route to host报错是因为防火墙没有开放端口;解决方法: 在防火墙上开启对应端口报错:Connection to timed | UNREACHABLE! => { "changed": false, "msg": "ntlm: HTTP...
完整的错误消息是: fatal: []: UNREACHABLE! => { "changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Connection timed out during banner exchange", "unreachable": true } 我的库存档案: [bastion] #ip 浏览0提问于2020-10-23得票数 0...
The following Ansible inventory file can be used to connect to the newly created Windows VM: [windows]WindowsServer ansible_host=[windows:vars]ansible_user=vagrantansible_password=vagrantansible_port=55986ansible_connection=winrmansible_winrm_transport=ntlmansible_winrm_server_cert_validation=...
read 3.the question: fsteinel@host:~# ansible win2 -m win_ping <> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: Administrator on PORT 5986 TO <> WINRM CONNECT: transport=plaintext endpoint=https://192.1...