今天我们深入探讨了Configuration management tool -Ansible的奥秘。🔍Configuration management,简单来说,就是自动化管理软件应用运行环境的所有配置。🛠️ 举个例子,就像你有一台服务器,上面安装了各种软件,Configuration management工具就能帮你自动管理这些软件的运行环境。更具体地说,Configuration management确保公司所...
need to do more than one thing at a time. Ansible provides for this by using a tool called playbook. Using playbooks, you can perform many actions at once, and across multiple systems. They provide a way to orchestrate deployments, ensure a consistent configuration, or simply perform a comm...
inventory group. This lets you get access to all the hosts that you have configured. This is potentially a very powerful tool. It allows you to iterate across a whole group and for every host apply an action to the current machine. --- - name: Configure the database hosts: dbservers u...
inventory group. This lets you get access to all the hosts that you have configured. This is potentially a very powerful tool. It allows you to iterate across a whole group and for every host apply an action to the current machine. --- - name: Configure the database hosts: dbservers u...
REF: https://www.cyberciti.biz/python-tutorials/linux-tutorial-install-ansible-configuration-management-and-it-automation-tool/ 今天我来谈谈 ansible,一个由 Python 编写的强大的配置管理解决方案。尽管市面上已经有很多可供选择的配置管理解决方案,但他们各有优劣,而 ansible 的特点就在于它的简洁。让 ansible...
但是小规模的测试使用 ansible 这个 configuration management tool 来执行一些小规模的 event triggering 也是能做到的。 实现时间的加减法 首先创建两个 python 文件 一个文件名为time_addition.py, 内容如下: import datetime def add_time(dt, **kwargs): ...
Ansible 简单的说是一个配置管理系统(configuration management system)。你只需要可以使用 ssh 访问你的服务器或设备就行。它也不同于其他工具,因为它使用推送的方式,而不是像 puppet 等 那样使用拉取安装agent的方式。你可以将代码部署到任意数量的服务器上!
它在这方面是高度专业化的。另一方面,Ansible是一个更通用的工具,可以用于跨各个领域的自动化。Terraform和ansible都有强大的开源社区和得到良好支持的商业产品。 简而言之,Terraform是用于创建和管理IT基础设施的工具。Ansible自动化供应、部署和其他IT流程。
Using Ansible for automated configuration management About Ansible Ansible is a configuration tool programmed in Python. It uses SSH to connect to devices. Ansible network architecture As shown in Figure 1, an Ansible system consists of the following elements: ·...
a configuration management tool should be used for any practical mesh VPN setup whose members might change at some point. Any configuration management tool can be used, but this tutorial uses Ansible because it is popular and easy to use. The AnsiblePlaybookthat this tutorial uses,ansi...