-m 指定运行的模块, 缺省值为ansible.builtin.command, 即在服务器上直接运行命令 -a 指定模块的参数 -i 指定inventory文件 -f 指定同时运行的数量, 缺省值为5 -u 指定运行的用户, 缺省值为控制机当前用户 command 使用chino用户登录服务器, 切换到root用户重启机器 ansible all -a"/sbin/reboot"-f 10 -u...
-ansible.builtin.command:cmd:echo $non_existing_environment_variable-ansible.builtin.command:cmd:echo $_-ansible.builtin.command:cmd:echo '$_'-ansible.builtin.command:argv: -echo-$_ Expected Results The result for each of the tasks in playbook should contain unexpanded dollar string in stdout...
SUMMARY The module ansible.builtin.command fails when parameter cmd is used. It reports cmd as unsupported parameter. It passes when using command instead of ansible.builtin.command. ISSUE TYPE Bug Report COMPONENT NAME command ansible.b...
executable: # Change the shell used to execute the command. This expects an absolute path to the executable. free_form: # The shell module takes a free form command to run, as a string. There is no actual parameter named 'free form'. See the examples on how to use this module. remov...
This shell plugin is part ofansible-coreand included in all Ansible installations. In most cases, you can use the short plugin namecmd. However, we recommend you use theFully Qualified Collection Name (FQCN)ansible.builtin.cmdfor easy linking to the plugin documentation and to avoid conflicting...
ansible.builtin.command: /something/to/run --even-in-check-mode check_mode: no - name: This task will never make changes to the system ansible.builtin.lineinfile: line:"important config"dest: /path/to/myconfig.conf state: present
parameters for (ansible.builtin.command) module: cmd Supported parameters include: _raw_params, _uses_shell, raw, include, include_tasks, include_vars, include_role, script, set_fact, win_command, add_host, shell, i 浏览53提问于2021-03-02得票数 1 回答已采纳 2回答 如何成为ansible中的...
= 0 - name: Check RTP status ansible.builtin.command: mdatp health --field real_time_protection_enabled register: rtp_status - name: Enable RTP ansible.builtin.command: mdatp config real-time-protection --value enabled become: yes become_user: root when: rtp_status.stdout ...
ansible命令行实用程序的默认模块是ansible.builtin.command 模块。可以使用临时任务调用命令模块并重新启动 atlanta组下的所有 Web 服务器,一次 10 个。在 Ansible 执行此操作之前,您必须将atlanta的所有服务器列在主机列表中名为 [atlanta] 的组中,并且必须拥有该组中每台机器的有效 SSH 凭据即免密认证。要重新启...
ansible.builtin.shell: cmd: <command> chdir: <directory> # 可选,指定命令的工作目录 creates: <file> # 可选,如果文件存在,则不执行命令 removes: <file> # 可选,如果文件不存在,则执行命令 warn: <yes|no> # 可选,默认为 yes,当命令返回非零退出代码时是否给出警告 ...