错误信息如下 Escalation requires password devops-baseimage-02-vpc|FAILED!=>{"msg":"Missing sudo password"} 排查过程 1、因为是使用另外一个SA账号A 管理另外一个SA账号B的sa权限(ssh免密登录,且sudo免密)推送,所以确定不是ansible本身的问题 2、单独测试SA账号B的ssh权限和sudo权限都没有问题 image.png ...
主机清单里没有写ansible_user=xxx ansible_ssh_pass=xxx 你可以先按照此方式试试。
ansible-vault rekey westos1 ansible-vault rekey westos1 --new-vault-password-file=key1 1. 2. 3.
Ansible returns "Missing sudo password" error despite command is allowed to be run without supplying a password. An ansible task is specified to run asbecome_useruser: Raw - name: Playbook become: true tasks: - name: Show running user shell: /usr/bin/whoami become_user: bob TheREMOTE_USER...
ansible明文密码连接 ansible missing sudo password,ansible-doc是关于查看ansible相关命令,日常运用的非常多相当于manhelpansible-doc相当于manhelpansible-doc--helpUsage:ansible-doc[options][module...]Options:-h,--helpshowthishelpmessageandexit
"msg": "Missing sudo password" } #以shanhe sudo至root用户执行ls [root@instance-gvpb80ao ~]# ansible all -m command -u shanhe -a 'ls /root' -b --become-user=root -k -K SSH password: #root密码 BECOME password[defaults to SSH password]: #shange密码 ...
使用su的方式执行操作,已废弃,使用become替代 -R SU_USER --su-user=SU_USER 使用此user的su执行操作,默认为root,已废弃,使用become替代 -b --become 使用become的方式升级权限 --become-method=BECOME_METHOD 指定提升权限的方式,可选以下几种:sudo/su/pbrun/pfexec/doas/dzdo/ksu/runas值 ...
# If 'true' unparsed inventory sources become fatal errors, they are warnings otherwise. #unparsed_is_failed=False [privilege_escalation] #become=True #become_method=sudo #become_user=root #become_ask_pass=False [paramiko_connection] # uncomment this line to cause the paramiko connection plugin ...
In other words root sudo to root.If ``True, this forces Ansible to use the become plugin anyways as there are cases in which this is needed. See also BECOME_ALLOW_SAME_USER ANSIBLE_BECOME_PASSWORD_FILE The password file to use for the become plugin. --become-password-file.If executa...