ansible automation platform <latest-version> setup bundle 点 download now 。 解压文件: $ tar xvzf ansible-automation-platform-setup-bundle-<latest-version>.tar.gz 2.3. 设置清单文件 在升级 red hat ansible automation platform 安装前,请编辑 inventor...
Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform2.4 升级并迁移 Ansible Automation Platform 的传统部署 Red Hat Customer Content Services 法律通告 摘要 本指南介绍了如何升级到最新的 Ansible Automation Platform 版本,并将旧的虚拟环境迁移到自动化执行环境。 对红帽文档提...
Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform allows developers to set up automation to Article Get started with the JBoss Web Server collection Harsha Cherukuri October 16, 2024 Get started with Ansible for Middleware JWS collection by installing Ansible and configuring...
Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform lifecyclecontains information about AAP versions, versions of its subcomponents (controller, execution environments, navigator, builder, private hub, RHEL, PostgreSQL), and lifecycle dates. The lifecycle dates (or when a certain version becomes out of support) are i...
Download the no-cost, 60-day Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform trial, which includes access to our system management and predictive analytics software.
从Ansible Tower 3.8 开始,Automation Hub 将充当 Ansible Tower 的内容供应商,它需要 Ansible Tower 部署和 Automation Hub 部署一起运行。Tower 和 Automation Hub 可在 RHEL 7 或 8 上运行,但 OpenShift Container Platform(OCP)上只支持 Tower(不支持 Automation Hub)。在获取 Automation Hub 安装程序前,请确...
7. Installing Ansible Automation Platform ANSIBLE TOWER v3.8.6 Are you using the latest and greatest version of Ansible Tower? Find theAnsible Tower documentationset which best matches your version of Tower.
Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy and maintain. Automate everything from code deployment to network configuration to cloud management, in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on rem...
Ansible Automation Platform(旧称:Ansible Tower)を Automation Assembler に統合すると、展開されたリソースの構成管理をサポートできます。統合の構成後、クラウド テンプレート エディタを使用して、新しい展開または既存の展開に Ansible Automation Platform 仮想コンポーネントを...
Ansible enables you to automate deployment and configuration of resources in your environment such as virtual networks, storage, subnets, and resources groups. Ansible is also combined with other deployment tools such as Terraform. Terraform calls Ansible in theSAP on Azure Deployment Automation ...