ansible automation platform 中创建帐户。 安装 aap 后端插件在 developer hub 中预加载,带有基本配置属性。要启用它,将 disabled 属性设置为 false ,如下所示: global: dynamic: includes: - dynamic-plugins.default.yaml plugins: - package: ./dynamic-plugins/dist/janus-idp-backstage-p...
1.2. Ansible Automation Platform 传统升级 复制链接 从Ansible Automation Platform 2.0 或更早版本升级到 2.2 版本需要您迁移 Ansible 内容以获得兼容性。 以下步骤提供旧的升级过程概述: 使用awx-manage 命令将自定义虚拟环境复制到自动化执行环境中。 通过并行...
Produktübersicht Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform ist die unternehmensfähige IT-Automatisierungslösung von Red Hat, die alles beinhaltet, was Sie benötigen, um End-to-End-Automatisierung in großem Umfang zu entwickeln, bereitzustellen und zu verwalten. Ansible Automation Pla...
Das Kontroll-Tool für Ansible Platform: Automation Controller ersetzt Ansible Tower und vereinfacht die unternehmensweite Automatisierung mit webUI und API.
Ansible与Python API Ansible 自动化运维的最流行的工具。 Automation for everyone Simplify work. Break down silos. Speed transformation. All with an enterprise automation platform. Simple, agentless IT automation that anyone can use...
Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform(RHAAP) is an integrated solution for operationalizing Ansible across your team, organization, and enterprise. The platform includes a controller with a web console and REST API, analytics, Execution Environments, and much more. ...
awxawxPublic AWX provides a web-based user interface, REST API, and task engine built on top of Ansible. It is one of the upstream projects for Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform. Python14.2k3.5k ansible-runneransible-runnerPublic A tool and python library that helps when interfacing with An...
Ansible offers open-source automation that is simple, flexible, and powerful. Got thoughts or feedback on this site? We want to hear from you! Join us in theAnsible Forumor open aGitHub issuein the docsite repository. Quicklinks Ansible package docs home ...
Optional: Enter the Ansible Automation Platform controller server certificate or certificate chain. On Linux systems, enter the following command to receive the certificate or certificate chain: echo-n | openssl s_client -servername <ANSIBLE_TOWER_HOSTNAME> -connect <ANSIBLE_TOWER_HOSTNAME>:<ANSIBLE...
Optional: Enter the Ansible Automation Platform controller server certificate or certificate chain. On Linux systems, enter the following command to receive the certificate or certificate chain: echo-n | openssl s_client -servername <ANSIBLE_TOWER_HOSTNAME> -connect <ANSIBLE_TOWER_HOSTNAME>:<ANSIBLE...