ANSI为美国国家标准协会的缩写..doc,(o) 1 ANSI為美國國家標準協會的縮寫。 (x) 2 TIA為美國電子工業協會的縮寫。 (x) 3 ISO為工業標準組織的縮寫。 (o) 4 IEEE為美國電子電機工程師協會的縮寫。 (o) 5 TSB(Telecommunications System Bulletin)為通訊系統公告的縮寫
内容提示: ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008 Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting Group Page 8 of 17 Table 1 - Nominal CCT Categories Nominal CCT 1)Target CCT and tolerance (K) Target Duv and tolerance 2700 K 2725 ± 145 0.000 ± 0.006 3000 K 3045 ± 175 0.000 ± 0.006 ...
(o) 382 網路標準(Networks Standard)是定義一個網路中所有元素的性能要求。 (o) 383 任何附加的技術規範,不可能替代該標準的基本要求。 (x) 384 因金屬本身具延展性故電纜線佈線時如因長度稍有不足時,可用力拉扯以免浪費。 (o) 385 EIA/TIA標準指定 T568B接線腳位的連接方法。 (x) 386 在無負荷條件下...
ANSI C136.41 Standard, NEMA photocontrol cover and 7pin base for street lighting control. Basic Specification: Loading Capacity 15Amp Max. Ambient Temperature -40ºC ~ +80ºC Holding Cover Polycarbonate Rated Voltage 0 ~ 480VAC Max. IP IP65 Style NEMA standard Ma...
This part includes tabled information relative to these portions of the standard. 一部份包括关於色度指标基础的资讯,解释标称CCT和目标CCT,固态照明色度需求的细节,和显色性指标的定义和具体规格。这个部份包括了与标准的这部分有关联的表格数据。 The other part is comprised of a large informative annex, ...
图A2是一个例子,用来表示在CCT标称值3200K时可融通的CCT的色度容差。 Copyright 2008 . American National Standard Lighting Group Page 5 of 17 版权2008.美国国家标准照明组 第5页共17页(翻译者注:此处页码对应于PDF原文,与本文档目录页码不同) 1. Scope...
This package implements means for drawing data in tabular form and it is intended as a substitution of the Go standard package tabwriter. Its design is based on the functionality of tables in LaTeX but extends its functionality in various ways through a very simple interfaceIt honours UTF-8 ...
STANDARD Approval of an American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by the standards developer. Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of ...
Chromaticity specification basis The chromaticity coordinates and correlated color temperature (CCT) values used in this specification are based on the CIE3 colorimetry system. The specifications in this standard are in part based on ANSI C78.376 on chromaticity specifications for fluorescent lamps but ...
(NEMA) in 2008 to standardize the description of tints in LEDs and Solid State Lighting. It is based on a similar standard developed for fluorescent lighting. It sets up 8 points with coordinates based on correlated color temperature (CCT), and offsets from each coordinate that describe ...