ANSI A300 Part 6-2012植保作业.乔木、灌木和其它木本植物的维护.标准实施规程(种植与移植) ANSI A300 Part 3-2013树木养护作业.乔木、灌木和其木本植物的维护:标准操作规程.第3部分(附加支撑系统) ANSI A300 Part 2-2011树木护理作业.树木、灌木和其它木类植物的养护.标准操作规程(土壤管理a.修枝, b.施肥,以及...
美国车辆标准(ANSI vehicle standards)列表编号中文名称英文名称ANSI A119.2-2002 娱乐车辆 Recreational Vehicles ANSI A119.4-1999 娱乐车辆的停车和停放场地 Recreational Vehicle Parks and Campgrounds ANSI A119.5-2005 公园挂车 Park Trailers ANSI A300 Part 7-2006 树木养护作业.乔木、灌木和其他木本植物的维护:...
ANSI A300 Part 6-2005 树木维护用操作.乔木、灌木和其他木本植物的维护.标准实施规程(移栽) ANSI A300-1995 树木防护.树、灌木和其它木本植物的防护.标准规程 Tree care operations - Tree, shrub and other woody plant maintenance - Standard practices ANSI ATIS0100001-2004 ETS用户平面安全指南和要求 ANSI...
19 ANSI ANSI A300 PART 4:2002 01/01/2002 EN Lighting Protection Systems-This is now Copyrighted by NAA ACTV-CURR 0 20 ANSI ANSI ACMA/ICPA UEF-1:2004 01/01/2004 EN Estimating Emission Factors rom Open Molding Composite Processes ACTV-CURR 13 ...
Our Standards are regularly updated, and constructive comments fromthe public are considered and incorporated if the A300 Committee agrees. The ANSI system is more efficient and more democratic than the process in other countries, where the government plays a much more prominent role. 展开 ...
ANSI A300 Part 7-2006 树木养护作业.乔木、灌木和其他木本植物的维护:标准规程.第7部分:电车用道路用地综合植物管理 Tree Care Operations - Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant Maintenance: Standard Practices - Part 7 - (Integrated Vegetation Management a Electric Utility Rights-of-way) ANSI A92.2-2001...
ANSI A300 Part 6-2012 植保作业.乔木、灌木和其它木本植物的维护.标准实施规程(种植与移植) ANSI A300 Part 2-2011 树木护理作业.树木、灌木和其它木类植物的养护.标准操作规程(土壤管理a.修枝, b.施肥,以及c.排水引流) ANSI A300 Part 7-2012 树木养护作业.乔木、灌木和其他木本植物的管理(综合植被管理) AN...
ANSI A300 Part 6-2005树木维护用操作.乔木、灌木和其他木本植物的维护.标准实施规程(移栽) ANSI A300-1995树木防护.树、灌木和其它木本植物的防护.标准规程Tree care operations - Tree, shrub and other woody plant maintenance - Standard practices