The present invention relates to an Anshukang condom. It is characterized by that a shaped latex thin film with ridge form and papilla form is stuck together with smooth surface condom from front endto rear end, and in the ridge and papilla portion a medicinal lubricating agent with the ...
一种兼具缓冲及排水功能的拦石墙制造技术本发明涉及一种兼具缓冲及排水功能的拦石墙,属于拦石墙技术领域,包括墙体、支撑架、缓冲板、防撞墙和支撑墙体;墙体上设置有排水沟;排水沟能够提升排水性能,避免水侵蚀装置,支撑架设置在墙体上;缓冲板转动设置在支撑架;墙体上设置有用于对缓冲板进... 最后更新日期:2024-09-03...