SUN Fengshan, FAN Mengbao, CAO Binghua, YE Bo, LIU Lin. Denoising Model of Terahertz Imaging of Honeycomb Material Based on Geometric Texture and Anscombe Transformation[J]. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2021, 57(22): ...
OptimalInversionoftheAnscombeTransformation inLow-CountPoissonImageDenoising MarkkuMäkitaloandAlessandroFoi Abstract—TheremovalofPoissonnoiseisoftenperformed throughthefollowingthree-stepprocedure.First,thenoisevari- anceisstabilizedbyapplyingtheAnscomberoottransformation tothedata,producingasignalinwhichthenoisecanbe...
Anscombe transformationLow doseDigital tomosynthesisImage qualityBREAST TOMOSYNTHESISIMAGE-RECONSTRUCTIONDeep learning-based convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been proposed for enhancing the quality of digital tomosynthesis (DTS) images. However, the direct applications of the conventional CNNs for low...
噪声:Optimal inversion of the generalized Anscombe transformation for Poisson-Gaussian noise,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Optimal Inversion of the Anscombe Transformation in Low-Count Poisson Image Denoising The removal of Poisson noise is often performed through the following three-step procedure. First, the noise variance is stabilized by applying the Anscomb... M Makitalo,A Foi - 《IEEE Transactions on Image Proc...
Exact Unbiased Inverse of the Anscombe Transformation and its Poisson-Gaussian Generalization 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 40 作者: M Mäkitalo 摘要: Digital image acquisition is an intricate process, which is subject to various errors. Some of these errors are signal-dependent, ...
expression data]]>doi:10.7490/F1000RESEARCH.1110757.1P. HarrisonF1000ResearchPaul Harrison. "Anscombe's 1948 variance stabilizing transformation for the negative binomial distribution is well suited to RNA- Seq expression data". F1000 Research (2015)....
For this reason, we propose an Anscombe root (AR) DCO-OFDM by using the existing AR transformation before fast Fourier transformation at the receiver side and a square operation at the transmitter. For the proposed AR-DCO-OFDM, the channel noise is well approximated to be Gaussian distributed,...
网络安斯库姆;安斯库伯;安斯巩布 网络释义 1. 安斯库姆 关于阿奎那的介绍,参阅安斯库姆(Anscombe)和吉奇(Geach)1961)、科普勒斯顿(1976)或者肯尼(Kenny)(1980)的"阿…|基于9个网页 2. 安斯库伯 在当代,随着安斯库伯(Anscombe)的《现代道德哲学》的发表和麦金太尔《追寻美德》的出版,德行伦理学开始广...
SUN Fengshan, FAN Mengbao, CAO Binghua, YE Bo, LIU Lin. Denoising Model of Terahertz Imaging of Honeycomb Material Based on Geometric Texture and Anscombe Transformation[J]. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2021, 57(22): 96-105. (戳链接,下载全文) ...