1. **交感神经系统**(Sympathetic Nervous System):通常被称为“应激系统”或“战或逃”反应系统。当个体面临压力、危险或需要紧急行动时,该系统被激活,导致心率加快、血压升高、瞳孔扩大、汗腺分泌增加、消化活动减缓等,以准备身体应对紧急情况。2. **副交感神经系统**(Parasympathetic Nervous System):与交感神经...
urinary bladder: describe control by the sympathetic vs. the parasympathetic nervous systems IMAGE what kind of receptors are present on the detrusor muscle of the urinary bladder? On the internal sphincter? Detrusor: β2 and M. Internal sphincter: α1 and M. Describe the effect of sympathetic ...