How many families suffered god only knows, both sexes dissatisfied At the end of the series while a slightly progressive end is shown, in reality you are left wondering whether the decision taken by the protagonist and the woman having just no agency. The hero knowing he is superior to her ...
Just for the record, I don’t lie awake at night wondering if our community has gained the respect of Joe So. The arrogance he displays is maddening. I hear there might be a meeting between 6 angry transgender activists and Joe So. You know what I think of that? I think it’s a ...
Without launching into a lengthy discussion, the butterfly dream in the poem refers to the dream of the philosopher Chuang Tze who was wondering if he had dreamt of himself as a butterfly or that it is the butterfly dreaming of a man. Thursday, August 20, 2015 Posted in Entries | Leave...
“wildly ambitious, intricate, and jolly”, a collection of words not often seen together. He had a graphic designer’s eye for how a magazine page or a print advert should work, and this made his image-making dynamic as well as smart – he was, in Lou Dorfsman’s words, “an art ...
I’m teaching young, gifted adults to become intellectually creditable, all the while wondering what has intellect gotten me? A nice house, car, and an empty bed that I refuse to allow anyone I know to lay in. I’ve outgrown satisfaction by self-sabotaging acts of sins and if another ma...
I think I’m not alone in wondering how Mark does the trick. I don’t have the answer to this question, but I guess a combination of neurodivergence (for example, for most of his life he slept 3 hours a night) and perfectionism/obsessiveness (he would edit every single comma, capital...
Write “B for Brody”, large. Virtually every magazine that pretends to be at the leading edge suffers from Brody fall-out, a situation that leaves its instigator wondering where he can turn for inspiration, where he can say “I wish I’d done that.” Neville Brody has made typography a...
For those of us still wondering what that is, just asking the question can point us in the right direction. Many don’t ask the question, but when we do, answers can begin to emerge when we least expect it. A friend came to me asking about her life purpose. She has three grown ...
One night about a year after I had Q, after a particular harried day trying to balance my incredibly full plate of obligations, errands and what have you, I had a massive meltdown. It was not your average huge cathartic cry type of meltdown; but a real questioning of “what the heck...
I remember entering my normal class, and they had books out and were in the middle of something, and I was wondering what they were doing. I always felt behind the rest of the class, even though I was being helped. I remember that we had three recess sessions in second grade: morning...