I like the word quiddity: The inherent nature or essence of someone or something. A distinctive feature; a peculiarity This is my blog, I will be blogging about programming, games, programming games and whatever else comes to mind I’ve decided to challenge myself to make one game every we...
Is "Alliance" just another word for "server"? No. Worlds/teams/shards are not alliances.. Alliances of guilds, solo non-aligned guilds, and solo players get placed onto a world/team/shard based on some player metrics that have yet to be nailed down. Um...isn't "some player metrics" ...
Governor Sukegimi however, was not deceived at all, for he was well aware of the cat-hater’s tactics. “My friend Kiyokado, you cannot fool me this time. You promised me many times that you would pay the taxes, but you never kept your word. I do not wish to settle this problem ...
In any event, relying on one word for every verbal interchange became an exercise in resistance for me. I was never able to see past the constant, staccato pinging (no, I did not count how many times it was used – what would be the point in that?). I have a co-worker who really...
And at the end, he used the Hawaiian word for thank you, “Mahalo,” that he was taught by my Native Hawaiian student. And it sounded like he meant it. My student, her husband and I walked to our cars together. In the parking lot, she said she was blown away by the presentation....
The coupons and discounts are always welcomed by shoppers with a huge smile on their face. Online shopping trend which has been ruling the market from past many years have become the most admired place for e-commerce freaks like you! With the new Internet high technologies, traditional word-of...
The great writers and filmmakers who have told their stories of past wars have consistently described war as “insane.” Insanity is also the only word that most reasonably describes any future war, since humanity has the knowledge and the means now—if only we develop the will—to resolve co...
The word corruption is often defined as moral perversion.If a company dumps toxic waste into the ocean to save money, most people recognize this as corrupt behavior. On a more subtle level, when WalMart moves into a small town and forces small businesses to shut down, for they are unable...
For a brief moment, the names “Nungesser and Coli” (I wonder how people pronounced them) were on every American’s lips. (The guys were older and a good deal more glamorous than the wholesome All-American Boy, Charles Lindbergh. Check out the postcard of the pair with their dangling ...
Lastly, as you reflect on summer’s energies and invitations, you may wish to set an intention for the season, which may be one word or phrase that can guide you over the next few months. Intentions that were voiced included rest, savor, balance, and play. Intentions help us focus on ...