but it seems like a lot of them focused on “this is how Houstonians/Texans are”. Even during in-person interviews, people would mention “this is how Texans are”. That’s good, but also frustrating. I’d like to think that ALL people are that way (or should be) and that it’s...
‘Que? interrupted Mouney’; I mean, she continued, ‘He might be said to allude when talking to someone without modesty and to be explicit when talking to someone with modesty’: take the word bud’ for example – the full blooded word for the act in his words, on whom be peace, ...
I have high hopes for CMA Clearview Heights. He’s not for a beginner, but with the right rider I know he will do great things. Its been a long road with him, and I’ll continue on that road until he finds his ‘person’. But till then, for this horse, and for all of them,...
Bab Bailey also says “if you cannot explain what you are training in one sentence it is too complicated for the human and the animal”. I would also add that if someone uses one - word catch phrases to explain methodology they are being evasive and illustrating their ignorance. Buyer - b...