unrecognisableUK unrecognizableUS changed different new modified transformed converted rehabilitated altered amended contrasting differing disparate dissimilar incompatible mismatched reformed remade remodelledUK remodeledUS reprogrammed revised mutated reconditioned recreated redone renovated transfigured transmuted corrupted...
neurosis. For the obsessional the accent is put on the demand OJ of the Other, taken as object of his desire; for the hysteric the accent is put on the object of the Other, taken as support for his demand. 这个强调以不同方式表现,依照神经症者的两个层面。对于妄想症者,强调点被放置在大...
5) Outside, you can see the Thames. Unrecognisable, but still one of the greatest rivers in the Western world. We didn’t swim, but we did race round the Spiral Of Invention, pressing every speaker button we could find. The topmost Invention was some sort of New Age colostomy bag that...