took a rest took five took time out had a break broke brake let up came up for air put up stayed ceased halted discontinued adjourned had a breather took ten eased up shut down took it easy held back took a breath sojourned broken taken five taken a break taken a breather taken it ea...
took a room taken a room Verb ▲ Past participle for to live or work less actively or intensely slowed relaxed eased off eased up slacked off chilled out kicked back let up taken it easy taken some time off put your feet up rested unwound taken a breather chilled wound down let it al...
2. 平均日下载量500MB for 6 YEARS!!! 大家知道我是看电影的,可想而知每日流量之惊人。 3. 进而可以想到硬盘是多么的彪悍,虽然现在跑起来声如惊雷……多少哥们看到我如此的用法在2、3年前就告诉我你的硬盘随时有废掉的危险;谁知,迄今为止毫无问题;而且当年的WINDOWS XP我们可是格了装装了格的那种,多少次...
about the Philadelphia slang wordjawnbyclicking here.) J.A.W.N. is boldly bitter, as all pale ales should be. And its flavor and aroma, earthy with distant hints of peaches and pears, make me say to myself, “holy f*cking shit, this beer is perfection,” every time I take a ...
Paul: There's no time, I'm late as it is, bye!Alice: Bye...Paul. Vocabulary (词汇) everything's out in the open 一切都大白于天下了everything that was hidden has now been revealed / shown / talked about right from the word go 从一开始right from the start oh gosh 喔,天啊a ...
(完整word版)other,another,the other the others,others练习题 摘要 初一other,another ,others,the others,the other习题 other the other d wc ab的绝对值 Other the other 例题 the other other题目 拓展训练(根据句意,从 other; the other; an 正文 Other, the other , another, others 1.There...
Somewhere along the line I took a photo of one and now every time she creates her Potato People she asks for a photo to be taken. This morning after one such ask I realized my iTouch was full. Something needed to be done with these potato pictures! Posted in Family | Leave a ...
Tom, who spent several years in Baltimore, tells me they never use the word chowder down there. Maybe it’s a New England term? Cooking begins with water and the first three vegetables named above, plus butter, Old Bay seasoning, and Worcestershire sauce. After some time, the potatoes go...
so took the short walk to the Obelisk forLondon Grammar. I’ve a soft spot for them – singer Hannah Reid has one of the most beautiful voices around. To my delight the band were just startingWasting my Young Yearsas I arrived – one of my favourite songs. Unsurprisingly most of the ...