Hi all, I have never made a macro befor and i need some help. I need a macro Which is triggered by putting a name in the drop-down menu...
Excel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c. Cannot marshal 'parameter #2': There is no marshaling support for nested arrays. cannot open <servicename> service on computer '.'. Cannot open <servicename> service on computer'.'. in windows 8 Cannot Pass List ...
Excel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c. Cannot marshal 'parameter #2': There is no marshaling support for nested arrays. cannot open <servicename> service on computer '.'. Cannot open <servicename> service on computer'.'. in windows 8 Cannot Pass List ...
For example, the above parser can be rewritten as such: type Dict = Table[string, int] let parser = peg("pairs", userdata: Dict): pairs <- pair * *(',' * pair) * !1 word <- +Alpha number <- +Digit pair <- >word * '=' * >number: userdata[$1] = parseInt($2) var w...
Note : If you only want to get the word-vector of a word, or average of word-vector in sentence, you should probably better check Spacy. Requirements Yase requirements are : numpy tqdm Mapping file The mapping should be a columnar file like : <token> <vector value> token1 0.1 0.6 -1....
题目(1)Almost every family buys at least one copy of a newspaper every day.(2)Some people subscribe to as many as two or three different newspapers.(3) News of important happenings took months and even years to travel from one country to another.(4)The news passed...
horse, and if it had turned out that the man needed more than a word to be wise, it is likely that she would have had recourse to a less subtle tactic for making him leave. The meaning she wants him to acknowledge is unambiguous, despite the fact that her words cover this meaning wi...
learning English (or something else),think about Deng's story.Your efforts might not pay off immediately.Be patient,though.Try to improve your methods and keep going.One day,success will knock at your door.Being different from Deng,you probably won't even have to wait ...
精读:One man's meat is another man's poisonmp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzUxOTc1NzM3Ng==&mid=2247484160&idx=1&sn=b11a7d2c9dd601e9ff680f74629451f9&chksm=f9f5882fce820139e28fff5068c279cbe3f8be08c4f2a4df94e42cbef522726423778520bbe7&token=967486100 =zh_CN#rd...