What is another word formake one's home? Needsynonyms for make one's home? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts To establish one's home in a place To live or reside in Verb ▲ To establish one's home in a place ...
To be, or cause to be, accustomed or habituated to something Verb ▲ To inaugurate into an office or an organization, especially ceremonially Verb ▲ To be, or cause to be, accustomed or habituated to something Find more words! Another word forOpposite ofMeaning ofRhymes withSentences withFin...
Before tying the knot, many couples opt for a financial agreement marriage. This agreement helps establish financial responsibilities and rights between spouses. To understand the importance of this agreement, visitthis page. An Agreement in Principle ...
reestablish hide change intensity dynamize liquidise diversify right discolor uniformise automatise sensibilise demonize magnetise fortify occidentalize variegate thicken inactivate transitivise commercialize individualise Americanise pervert tighten decarboxylate gear up so...
For the noun ‘development’, alternatives include ‘expansion’, ‘evolution’, and ‘progression’, which emphasize the process of growth or improvement. How can I express ‘to grow or to develop’ with other vocabulary? To express ‘to grow or to develop’, you might use terms like ‘blo...
In 1612, King James I allowed the Virginia Company of London to hold a lottery in order to raise money to establish the first English colony in America at Jamestown. Many people use birthdays or other lucky numbers to select their lottery tickets, but there is no scientific method for ...
点击”Add another email address “,加入自己公司的信箱,google会发到公司邮箱中一封确认邮件,点击确认后就可以用公司的邮件帐号在gmail中发信了。 第三步:不过我如果天天用gmail回公司邮件,估计老大会发飚,选择”Reply from the same address the message was sent to”,这样当别人给我公司信箱发信后,我回信的...
不但時間相差一個多世紀,在形式和主題方面也有這麼大的差異。 我卻懷疑《花間集》的主題之所以限於愛情和閨怨而未承襲唐詩的海闊天空的境界,也比不上敦煌《雲謠集》以外的曲子詞那樣以多方面的題材出現,會不會正因為它延續了《雲謠集》的路線? 奇怪的是,Shields對唐代民間曲子詞的流行以及敦煌曲子詞的發現都知之...
They could hear the alarm but were unable to establish contact with the man inside. With curtains drawn, the crew could not see inside but could hear a dog barking.They tried the front door, but it wouldn't3. According to Ian Bolton, what is the most important factor in the rescue?
:to approve and sanction formally: confirm ratify a treaty. What is the antonym for the word ratification? ratify. Antonyms:negative, reject, repudiate, disaffirm, invalidate, abrogate, annul, nullify. Synonyms: sanction, seal, confirm, endorse, secure, approve, validity, establish, substantiate, ...