So it is difficult even when doing a word for word translation. I have used different but appropriate ones as variably as I can. Lesson 76 植物之花 plant things [pp] flowers 受睛天之烈日 subjected clear_weather sky [pp] intense sun 每於夜中發光 every at night middle emit light 其光由...
The envelope wasn’t opened; the essay was never published. The surgery was successful. Alice Sheldon recovered, and her identity remained secret for another two years. I’ve long been fascinated by everything Tiptree wrote. “The Secret of James Tiptree Jr.” is an interesting piece of SF...
Another war, another reason to get US out!(THE LAST WORD)(Libyan international military intervention)(Essay)McManus, John F
Effective advertising tells people howyour product is going to solve their problem. My iPod solved a problem I didn’t even know I had. I needed a device smaller than a Sony Diskman that could hold my entire CD collection. And there it was. “A thousand songs in your pocket” was the ...
“Scrooge was better than his word…He became as good a friend, as good a master, and as good a man, as the good old city knew…”–Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol This Christmas, along with reading Dickens or watching George Bailey and Charlie Brown, an unlikely source can help cha...
Paul Rosher was staying in the old Camusunary bothy when on that dark December night on 7 December 1982. Paul wrote this piece many years ago and gave me permission to use it. I thank you for it. Paul joined the Skye Rescue Team a few years later and we became great friends over th...
In any event, relying on one word for every verbal interchange became an exercise in resistance for me. I was never able to see past the constant, staccato pinging (no, I did not count how many times it was used – what would be the point in that?). I have a co-worker who really...
God is deeply concerned about immigration and treatment of foreigners. The Old Testament word for “immigrant”,Ger,occurs 92 times in the Bible. It meansa guest; impliesa foreignerand is often translated as:alien, sojourner,orstranger.
With luck, now, this essay, barreling through my schedule like a rogue planet, will catch you up onDan Schkade’sFlash Gordon. If you’re reading this in the far future of December 2024, there might be a more up-to-date essay here.For now, let’s get back to the action and also...
Lastly, as you reflect on summer’s energies and invitations, you may wish to set an intention for the season, which may be one word or phrase that can guide you over the next few months. Intentions that were voiced included rest, savor, balance, and play. Intentions help us focus on ...