Past tense for to loot, plunder or invade by force Adjective ▲ Made in exact imitation of something with the intention to deceive or defraud Adjective ▲ Forbidden or not permitted Find more words! Another word forOpposite ofMeaning ofRhymes withSentences withFind word formsTranslate from English...
Take the case to the American people in full force before he does. Discuss the need for spending cuts in our bloated Federal budget. Discuss how there were no such cuts in the Tax Payer Relief Act. Discuss how this last-minute legislation has left our nation worse off in the new year;...
What is another word forretaliate? Needsynonyms for retaliate? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ To exact revenge or fight back To reply to something, typically in a sharp, angry, or witty manner ...
If a vulgar conservative commentator, who can barely articulate a coherent thought, is favored by X’s algorithm, he will experience exponential growth. Meanwhile, liberals or moderates with superior talent—such as Schmidt—are reduced to relying on “word of mouth.” How is this a fair fight...
Silence, a complete failure to activate the power of the word of God is the total denial of God and all that God stands for. Silence, the refusal to launch from within your soul the power of the word of God is an infection that eats away at ever last part of your soul. They kept...
In any event, relying on one word for every verbal interchange became an exercise in resistance for me. I was never able to see past the constant, staccato pinging (no, I did not count how many times it was used – what would be the point in that?). I have a co-worker who really...
I forget what the frosting inscription said word for word…but I remember it was really nice. *BTW…if you’ve never had the absolute pleasure of tasting this particular carrot cake that I speak of…you are seriously missing out. What the hell are you waiting for? Click the little X on...
” It was repeated over the years, and in the early twentieth century was taken up by the Anti-Cigarette League, which announced that every cigarette smoked was a nail in one’s coffin, giving rise to the colloquial namecoffin nailfor a cigarette. “Have you a coffin nail?” wrote O. ...
house, has been his companion, They are to serve him even unto death, he never felt that there was anything wrong with that. But on that moment, he remembered a long time before, a girl had said to him a word, looked at him coldly, word by word said: “No one is born slaves. ...
Jesus only initiated force one time: when He kicked the moneychangers out of the Temple. (Mark 11:15-18) There was no political or social aim here. He just wanted to rid the Temple of people who had used it for ungodly purposes. In recent years, numerous churches and ministries have ...