Present participle for to engage in carnal activity Verb ▲ Present participle for to send (usually someone) to the ground Verb ▲ Present participle for to leave or exit Find more words! Another word forOpposite ofMeaning ofRhymes withSentences withFind word formsTranslate from EnglishTranslate to...
Present participle for to pressure someone into doing something “Let's try tosqueezethe suspect and find out what he really knows.” Adjective ▲ Of or relating to compression Find more words! Another word forOpposite ofMeaning ofRhymes withSentences withFind word formsTranslate from EnglishTransla...
Good content they should have crawled was totally ignored. Google says they do no harm, but didn’t say a word That anything was wrong or that this even had occurred. Of course it’s good for AdWords, but they say they never do Anything organic that would make you need them, true? T...
When it’s the language of cartoon and caricature, identifying people by sticking labels on them, particularly labels those people wouldn’t choose. When it’s dishonest rhetoric, focused on winning an imaginary game rather than building bridges between actual human beings. When it’s full of st...
While the broker was a little less than forthcoming at the beginning of our conversation, he eventually opened up, not without some prying, and provided me with details to most of the questions I asked. At the end of the conversation, based on the information gathered, I was able to ...
You had better go to your room, I shall have to spank you. “yes sir” she countered smiling, she was clearly both enjoying this and taking it non too seriously, she had finally picked up on the safe word and given me permission to proceed, I followed her up the stairs to her bedro...
I’d hiked in the wonderland any number of times before, including last year. No way was I not going to explore it again. Not in the mood to risk getting lost in desert sections I was unfamiliar with, I decided to walk to the Atlantic Ocean, sticking to the established sand trail th...
It was time for the Wet Entry. Down by the bay, where the watermelons grow…, no just kidding, but down by the bay, all six of us screwed our courage to the sticking place and tipped our double kayaks over, ON PURPOSE. Upside down in the very chill waters of the largest freshwater...
And when wealth is part of a problem, that’s a sticking point. In other words, you’re gonna have to give up something, you’re gonna have to give up easy money, Texas. Now, the good news is all of a sudden people are realizing, “Oh my gosh, there’s so much money to be ...
At 65, the limbs ache as I trudge around the festival site and back and forth to the camping. Standing up for hours hurts the feet. Alcohol lessens the pain, but mostly it’s the music. We do this for the music. And it doesn’t get better than End of the Road. ...