You should also budget for staffing, such as a customer support team, which will cost around $100,000 per year. If you’re planning to launch a casino online, you should be aware of the various legal issues and risks associated with this venture. For instance, you’ll need to obtain a...
We also spent time reviewing important staffing issues, and there were some tips given on teamwork that we can definitely put into practice. M Sounds excellent. F Yes, although the afternoon session seemed to go on and on. I found it hard to concentrate, but when I looked at the handout...
ITEM: Although the Administration has devoted considerable energy and resources to cleaning up the mess at the Trenton Water Works, there still remain much of the same Public Works management – including an ineffective Director – and staffing that have overseen so many failures and violations, as...
Case in point, pre-9/11 newscasts were not laden with FUD campaigns regarding terrorist activities and what liberties we need to give up to protect ourselves from them. Whereas nowadays, you can’t turn anywhere in the US without hearing the word or something related, despite it still being ...