Ten tips for awesome virtual forum meetings March 15, 2020Leave a comment A forum member recently said to me his group’s mantra from the beginning has been “Forum is always on, always in person, no one calls in.” In a time of pandemic, social distancing, and restricted travel, that...
I picked up a book of writings by Paul Laurence Dunbar and flipped through it for something timely. I landed on a page with the poem “We Wear the Mask” – pretty appropriate in the midst of a global pandemic where we are learning to practice “social distancing” and taking many precau...
I struggle with the word “happy” because it is such a fleeting emotion. I much prefer the word “joy” because it is something that grows deep roots, and is felt even in the most dire of circumstances. Here is the new question. I ask those of you reading to ponder it. ...
It’s now Wednesday, a warm afternoon in the city and, since starting this post, social distancing has been stepped up across England – things already feel different (by which I meanworse) than they did last weekend. Habitually, in the kitchen, I switch on the radio and the first words...
Johnny has a nickname for almost everyone it seems. Adam- the Pastor, Lina – ah Ling, the list goes on. The lack of social distancing practice with everyone he met was perhaps the reason why he’s friend with everybody. And the opposite was true for me, as I was simply comfortable ...
I had passed some rooms with the word Pos in red. I have always loved yellow highlighters. So I am home for a few days, changing my bandages which have morphed from big pieces of gauze to little strips of Telfa to now Disney Princess Band aids. I clean the incision with peroxide, ...
The country is going to Alert Level 1 for the second time in history. What that means for us is that all businesses will be open with only minor restrictions. Gatherings can be held without regard to size. Social distancing will still be encouraged and the wearing of masks may be mandated...
Oh, did I mention that some lucky punter will walk away with a free brand new car as part of the grand finale? It could be you, or it could be me! Do join us for a fun race, and remember to stay safe at all times by social distancing, good sanitation and eat right!… ...
At least here in the United States, the USCCB, so long attached to the Party of Death, and afraid of its own shadow, has closed churches in the name of “social distancing.” For 1,500 years, the Church has preached that attending Mass is an obligation – if not fulfilled, then that...