Present participle for to utter in a hostile or aggressive way Verb ▲ Present participle for to emit or cause to emit sound Noun ▲ The action or sound of laughing Find more words! Another word forOpposite ofMeaning ofRhymes withSentences withFind word formsTranslate from EnglishTranslate to ...
all over but the shouting brought about carried out done with fini finished off full-fledged home free polished off sewn up sorted out sweeping that's it wrapped up perfected more ❯ Adjective ▲ (of a person or animal) Reared or brought up in a specified environment or way bred raised...
___heard her shouting and ran to the table. She pulled very hard, but she couldn't make it. Emma 2.started to ___She didn't want to wear her hat now. At that time, another man came to help. He pulled the bowl, and suddenly it 3.came off. “...
2.Toadd insult to injuryis to trat someone badly and then do something that makes the situation worse. In this phrase the word ‘injury’ refers to hurt feelings rather than physical harm 雪上加霜,更糟的是 Kevin was drenched from head to toe,to add insult to injury,all his school books...
The Zolders could often be heard to be shouting Hoi when attacking their victims. Sunring Mask He is the so-called ‘Sun of Africa,’ a ruthless tyrant who was renowned for his successive victories in Africa. He was called to Japan by Kuro Jujigun Soutou to help battle Goranger in ...
So it is difficult even when doing a word for word translation. I have used different but appropriate ones as variably as I can. Lesson 76 植物之花 plant things [pp] flowers 受睛天之烈日 subjected clear_weather sky [pp] intense sun 每於夜中發光 every at night middle emit light 其光由...
amputation. As it is, I’m the only one who will consider it. My parents verge on putting their hands over their ears and running away, shouting “lalalalalala! I can’t hear you!”. Purely because they are so scared for me. So I won’t consider it aloud anymore, for their sakes...
With only three choices for addressing an e-mail, i.e. the ‘To’, ‘Cc’ and‘Bcc’ fields, you would think addressing would be trouble free. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. First, there are the users who have no idea that the ‘Cc’ exists. Every address is listed in the ...
I stop feeding my baby, who doth protest very loudly. I engage the sliding door to open, forgetting that I had locked the car. So my car alarm goes off. I pop out of the middle of my car with a screaming baby and a blaring alarm, shouting “you hit my car!” all while feverish...
The Hebrews had a word for that sense of wholeness, peace, and well-being: Shalom. While the word is literally translated as “peace,” it has a much broader definition that envelopes experiencing that feeling of “God is good. Life is good. I’m good.“ It is difficult for a modern...