We are squatting this building. We do not legally own it. However, we believe that buildings should belong to the people who use them and open them up for others to use together, not to those who only want to make money off them. Laws exist to protect the interests of the rich and...
Fibromyalgia is just another word for lazy. Feel free to add more. I’ve heard them all. Let me get this straight, the medical profession conspired and effectively implemented a fake syndrome just to cater to lazy people. Sounds perfectly reasonable. It’s not as if doctors have anything ...
But the idea that saving the financial system was not a good idea is wrong. If it had collapsed completely the damage to middle and working class people who had their savings in the banking system would have been even greater. Stiglitz proposed in part nationalizing de facto the banks which...
I always knew that a segment of the American population was, for lack of a better word, stupid. I knew we had more than our fair share of climate deniers, of people who really do believe that the earth was created 6,000 years ago, that Taylor Swift is a really good singer. In the...
Dust flying, blood slowly formed along the lines of his knuckles, shocking one. “Squeaked “The bathroom door slowly open and a lady carrying an ebony pot appeared, cuffs of sleeves raise high, revealing a length of white arms, she suddenly saw him and was surprised. Still shocked she sa...
s shocking that some boards elect chairs that do not understand that a secondary motion to amend a main motion MUST be debated and voted on BEFORE returning to the main motion, which may become a different motion depending on the secondary motion’s vote totals. It’s shocking that some ...
condition through my art. But there was a time when I felt it also had to be a little bit shocking. Now, I just feel like I have to strive to tell the truth. It still may shock some people, but I am in no way consciously trying to do that. I’m just trying to inform and ...
are not mutually exclusive though, as James Madison once wrote that the design of federalism was to further enhance protection for individual rights: “The power surrendered by the people is divided between two distinct governments… Here a double security arises to the rights of the people.” Th...
Shocking Information About Cepacol Revealed That inflammation can eventually cause a blockage whereby an an infection is likely to occur. SORETHROAT 911 encourages drainage thus decreasing the likelihood of such an infection. Desk humidifiers are extensively out there, but you could also make a pure ...
If you see the name of an album you’d like to donate, click on it, complete the form, hit submit, and wait for a reply from us with further instructions Once the albums are in our hands and accounted for, we’ll credit your Friends With Benefits account with points (Don’t have ...