shelve more ❯ “Replace both the galvanized pipe and the short plastic tailpipe with a longer plastic tailpipe, and pitch it on a slight angle.” Verb ▲ To fall heavily, especially headlong fall tumble dive plunge topple drop plummet nosedive stagger fall headlong take a nosedive go do...
shelve heap scorn on curl your lip at run down spit on be scornful about spit in the face of spit in the eye of lay aside gloss over write off kiss off put away pay no heed to have done with laugh away more ❯ “Everyone is starting to cut me, and I'm not quite sure why.”...
What’s amazing is that our minds have the capacity to do what I did. To accept that we can’t handle this right now, and to box it up and shelve it for another time when we are ready and have the capacity to deal with it. I’m starting to realize, though, that my mind-shelve...
decision to shelve his proposal to introduce a means test for Old Age Allowance, people's [...] 再過十日,尤其是在特首宣佈撤回生果金(正名「高齡津貼」)資產審查建議後,巿民對施政報告的滿意程度明顯上升至24%,但不滿 度亦上升至35%,而巿民對曾蔭權施政方針的滿意和...
What is another word forstave off? Needsynonyms for stave off? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts To fend off or defend against something hostile To avert or forestall by taking preventative action ...
“Put aside your guns for the moment, hie yourself to your den, and dip into the pages of the most complete two volumes ever written on the broad subject of gunsmithing.” Verb ▲ To postpone from being dealt with table postpone adjourn defer delay park reschedule shelve prorogue reserve...
What is another word forpush back? Needsynonyms for push back? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts To challenge or question a belief or supposition To oppose or defend against something hostile ...
What is another word forhold off? Needsynonyms for hold off? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ To postpone or assign to a later time or date To delay action until a particular time or event ...