Sentences with the word scallion Words that rhyme with scallion What is the plural of scallion? Translations for scallion Use our Synonym Finder Nearby Words scallion pancake scallions scallop scalloped scalloping scallopings scallies scaling up scalings scaling off scaling-down scaling down 8-letter...
Tom and I had half of it at room temperature as a first course for dinner and reheated the rest for the next day’s lunch. Both ways, it was very tasty. Scalloped Tomatoes . This pitiful picture does no justice to a very interesting preparation. I’d expected that the recipe, from ...
a饮食不可太咸,少吃胆固醇含量高的食物,例如腰花、肝、肾等动物内脏类食物。 The diet cannot too be salty, little eats cholesterol content high food, for example animal internal organs class foods and so on scalloped kidney, liver, kidney.[translate] ...