In some of them English is the first language; others, with several different languages of their own, find English the most convenient means of communication except for small-scale business. Today the Commonwealth is a loose association of independent sovereign states, nearly all of their members ...
Find another word for free form. In this page you can discover 8 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for free form, like: minimum free form,semanteme, word, free-morpheme, genre-bending, motivic, gestural and freeform. What is a free form form? :created or done ...
The test taps into large-scale data studies that Apple used to develop its hearing loss features, and it only takes five minutes. This is a massive step in the right direction for Apple, making its technology accessible and highlighting the importance of looking after your hearing. Read more ...
scale down ease attenuate shrink minimizeUS pare down curb minimiseUK depress pare contract de-escalate downscale mitigate taper lighten temper depreciate make cutbacks in bring down dwindle wind down clip weaken alleviate downgrade tone down whittle down devaluate soften decrement quell roll back shorte...
The socialism national economy is the establishment in above the producer goods socialist system of ownership foundation.The national economy rate of rise narrow understanding is the GDP rate of rise, on generalized says: The national economy development is take human's full scale development and th...
In this article, we (a) present for philosophers an introduction to twistor theory, (b) consider how the spacetime–twistor correspondence interacts with the philosophical literature on theoretical equivalence, and (c) explore the bearing which twistor theory might have on philosophical issues such...
● Another word for this tyranny now apparently is a "biosecurity state." All governments are working in lockstep to implement the global agenda locally. The Covid-19 epidemic essentially has been over since May-June 2020. Masks are useless and the "vaccines" are insufficiently tested and can...
“freedom” rating than Russia, while pro-American Egypt, whose dictator-for-life Mubarak recently won another “election” with 89 percent of the vote, and then subsequently jailed his rival for five years, was praised and upgraded on the freedom scale for apparently assisting in the formation...
Scale up Spread Step up Strengthen Strengthened Strengthening Stretch Supplement Supplement Surge Swell Thrive Upgrade Wax Widen Widening Worsen Types of Synonyms for Increase Gradual Increase: Grow, develop, rise Sudden Increase: Surge, jump, spike Moderate Increase: Raise, enhance Large Increase: Amplif...
There is no turning back: Either civilized society or right-wing social media will prevail. The winner will determine the future of your children and the planet. So, ask yourself, what kind of world do you want to live in? P.S. Please spread this article via word of mouth. I don’t...