Another fine release from Released by ShahJahan The Female Brain is one of the most-talked-about books of the year. "I've found I can change the conversation at any social gathering by mentioning Louann Brizendine's book, The Female Brain." —David Brooks, New York Times ...
“Awakening to New Perspectives” is a compelling theme. At this time in human history, I believe we are being called to awaken from our spiritual slumber to become more conscious of Goodness within and around us, especially in those people who offend or anger us. Another word forGoodnessisG...
Before the KJV translated his letters to English, the word for “power” in that language is dunamis (of course, they used a different alphabet then, too.). That’s the word which evolved into the English word “dynamite.” Since Alfred Nobel invented that highly volatile explosive, we ...
I suppose; but sometimes something comes along at a moment in your life when you feel like you’re desperate, or maybe dead, or maybe you’ve just been waiting for something to happen for what seems like a really long time, and then suddenly it does, something comes along and takes you...
the British conveniently FORGOT their promise to Hussein for assistance in building that multi-religions country controlled by the people there . More horribly, Hussein trusted the British to keep their word to him. This is history. Hussein would have had his followers support the ‘Young ...
A top student who is also a top athlete recites biology terms as he works out every day. Another student learns a new word every morming while brushing his teeth. Top students are also well organized. Top students immediately put the day's notes in different folders ...
Spread the word to family, friends, neighbors and folks you’re just met… Post flyers in your building lobby and anywhere else appropriate!! And don’t forget… NOcardboard or plastic-handled shopping bags. REMOVEpaper clips and spiral bindings. ...
German tradition that the Templars were ordered to form a secret scientific sect in southern Germany, Austria and northern Italy to be known as “Die Herren vom Schwarzen Stein” –The Lords of the Black Stone– orDHvSSfor short, and this is said to be the true, hidden meaning ofSS.[26...
Compared to X-rays, which use beams of light, beams of ions release less energy along their path and more energy in one specific spot. This causes less radiation damage to the healthy tissue surrounding the tumour and allows a higher dosage to be administered safely, resulting in a faster ...
(Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase 1A), and inducing lipolysis as indicated by expression of lipase, ATGL (Adipose triglyceride lipase), lipolysis markers and the release of FAs [104]. The change in the immunometabolic stage of T cells upon PDL-1 and PD-1 interaction is true for chronic infections...