What is another word forsorcerer? Needsynonyms for sorcerer? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts A magician or wizard, or a practitioner of the magic arts A pagan female oracle or prophetess, especially the Cumaean sibyl ...
In some ways, this is part of reading while female. So many classics presume a male reader that it becomes very easy to move to a position where you’re not just reading the book but watching yourself reading it. Assumptions are dangerous things and one of the hardest things in life to...
What is another word forreference? Needsynonyms for reference? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ Noun A source of information cited in a book or article The action of mentioning or alluding to something ...
WHAT'S ANOTHER WORD FOR...? 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 347 作者: JM Wolf 摘要: Presents suggestions for teaching students about synonyms. Examples of synonym games; Instructions for making a synonym poster; Tips on challenging students to design their own word search puzzles. 被引量: 3 ...
What is another word for foreign ? Here are the synonyms for foreign , a list of similar words for foreign from our thesaurus that you can use Adjective relating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world Synonyms foreign strange Related adventive alien establi...
Is there other wood for the fire? This wood is damp. 有没有其他的木头能生火?这块木头很潮湿。 The word “wood,” in this example, is a noncount noun. 在这个例句中,单词wood是一个不可数名词。 Here “other” means “different” wood, such as dry wood. 在这里,other指的是“不同的”木...
Many people use the word loose when they mean lose, and vice versa, potentially creating confusion for the reader. "I'm losing my mind." (The past tense is lost. What does it mean to lose hope? Despairis the feeling of not having any hope left. ... The verb despair means to lose...
reader tends to shatter the first time an author gets revision notes back from an editor. And as for being free from the forces of capitalism—well,maybein self-publishing, but last I checked most publishers are in the business of making money, and an author who doesn’t work with them ...
不但時間相差一個多世紀,在形式和主題方面也有這麼大的差異。 我卻懷疑《花間集》的主題之所以限於愛情和閨怨而未承襲唐詩的海闊天空的境界,也比不上敦煌《雲謠集》以外的曲子詞那樣以多方面的題材出現,會不會正因為它延續了《雲謠集》的路線? 奇怪的是,Shields對唐代民間曲子詞的流行以及敦煌曲子詞的發現都知之...
Is there other wood for the fire? This wood is damp. 有没有其他的柴火用?这块木头很潮湿。 The word "wood," in this example, is a noncount noun. 在本例中,单词“wood”是一个不可数名词。 Here "other" means "different" wood, such as dry wood. ...