What is another word forequalized? Needsynonyms for equalized? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ Verb Past tense for to make uniform in application or effect Past tense for to level the score in a match by scoring a goal ...
What is another word forcemented? Needsynonyms for cemented? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ Adjective (of a surface)Paved, especially with cement Immovable, or fixed in place Linked or connected, typically physically ...
He was trying to sleep with his head propped up on his hands. He looked beat down. When his eyes opened, they were droopy and his face was sullen. He seemed annoyed and on edge. And very unapproachable. Little did he know of my intense prayer for him. If he only knew, but I defi...
I’ve propped my phone against the tin of cat biscuits in the kitchen to watch a Hilary Mantel documentary while making dinner, and Hilary speaks from a virus-free idyll (earlier this year) that feels as long ago as Tudor England. I scrub up as if I’m performing surgery, not brushing...
A poorly kept secret has come to light: https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ If it’s either/or? No. Now, get rid of Likud, get the settlers off disputed land, admit that in many cases, if not most, the original settl...
The thought of sharing a shower with Al made her smile, and as she set about writing to Simon, she had his letter and Shane’s postcard propped up in front of her. Dear Simon I received your letter and a card from Andy’s friend Shane in the same post. I cried. Not for me, ...
propped up) and questioned in their signifying structure (Lacan 1991b[1960–61]: 234–235; 1977i[1958]:255). 针对理解的本质上的危险的额外的评论,充斥在拉康从1960年代到1970年代的研讨班。其中一个理由,拉康为什么最后决的解散他自己的学派是,他相信他的学生太过于相信,他们理解他的话语的意义。随着他...
An underground stream made the area very boggy and unstable with a neighbouring house even falling down, with sections of the FO propped up with wooden supports. The FCO came about in 1968 with the amalgamation of the Commonwealth and Foreign Offices. The building itself presently occupies a ...
’ ‘What we need for them, said Mouney, is a commentary on his past life to assist them in catching up with him; what if his likeness is propped up like a dead dictator in his palace? – dead or alive he’s alive or dead; some did not understand that those repulsed by him, ...
The television playing just for the noise while Bella my dog sleeps in a chair nearby. The other dog Molly is stretched out on the couch, her head propped on the pillows. The cats, outside and inside have long ago been fed and found their sleeping places for the night. Eight years, ...