What is another word forequalized? Needsynonyms for equalized? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ Verb Past tense for to make uniform in application or effect Past tense for to level the score in a match by scoring a goal ...
What is another word forcemented? Needsynonyms for cemented? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ Adjective (of a surface)Paved, especially with cement Immovable, or fixed in place Linked or connected, typically physically ...
I’ve propped my phone against the tin of cat biscuits in the kitchen to watch a Hilary Mantel documentary while making dinner, and Hilary speaks from a virus-free idyll (earlier this year) that feels as long ago as Tudor England. I scrub up as if I’m performing surgery, not brushing...
He was trying to sleep with his head propped up on his hands. He looked beat down. When his eyes opened, they were droopy and his face was sullen. He seemed annoyed and on edge. And very unapproachable. Little did he know of my intense prayer for him. If he only knew, but I defi...
The television playing just for the noise while Bella my dog sleeps in a chair nearby. The other dog Molly is stretched out on the couch, her head propped on the pillows. The cats, outside and inside have long ago been fed and found their sleeping places for the night. Eight years, ...
“They want to know if you want to press charges about the assault. Your word against his at the moment, I’m afraid.” “I know. He’s always been clever about doing things without a witness. If they can pick him up for drink driving tonight that will be a load off my mind.”...
‘Diversity’, – it’s a word frequently used by Deutsche Bank as a way of analysing and solving problems, to methodically examine from all angles using different mindsets. This, DB hopes, will lead to an acceptance of all views of all ages and cultures on the global stage of business ...
horse, and if it had turned out that the man needed more than a word to be wise, it is likely that she would have had recourse to a less subtle tactic for making him leave. The meaning she wants him to acknowledge is unambiguous, despite the fact that her words cover this meaning wi...
I put the word out that I was looking for another Whippet. Dash, who we got from Sarah Shakespeare & Linda Larsen, was returned to them for chasing the cat! Although he and Bop didn’t play a lot, they did play. I managed to put Beginner Novice, CGC, and Rally Excellent title on...
‘Que? interrupted Mouney’; I mean, she continued, ‘He might be said to allude when talking to someone without modesty and to be explicit when talking to someone with modesty’: take the word bud’ for example – the full blooded word for the act in his words, on whom be peace, ...