What is another word forholding pattern? Needsynonyms for holding pattern? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts A state of being prevented from proceeding A temporary halt or slowdown of activity ...
What is another word fordetention? Needsynonyms for detention? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ The action of detaining someone or the state of being detained in official custody A state of being prevented from proceeding ...
The seemingly simple word "another" in English belies a surprising depth of grammatical function and subtle semantic variations. While often used as a straightforward replacement for "one more," a deeper exploration reveals its versatility and capacity to convey meaning far beyond simple numerical addi...
1、oneanother. 彼此。 2、anotherday. 另一天;又一天;另一日。 3、oneafteranother. 一个接一个地。 4、onewayoranother. 不管怎样。 5、anotherway. 另一方式;另一途径。 6、anothertime. 另一时间;另外时间。 7、foranother. 另一;为另一;用于另一。 8、yetanother. 另一种;另...
In late April, New York was all set to hold its primary election as scheduled on June 28 when word came down from the New York Court of Appeals: The state’s Dem…
And in exchange for the sacrifice that you make, gentlemen, I promise—not to reward you, I believe that word would offend you—but to love you as a sister, to prefer you, next to my husband and my children, to every one. I swear it before Heaven.” And the queen raised her ...
A cancellation or postponement of a punishment Noun ▲ A continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied Noun ▲ A legal or official authorization for entry Noun ▲ An act of moving back or withdrawing Noun ▲ The action or process of getting rid of something ...