Past tense for to make or cause to make a loud, harsh sound “Ihonkthe horn to alert pedestrians of my presence.” Verb ▲ Past tense for to eject matter from the stomach through the mouth Find more words! Another word forOpposite ofMeaning ofRhymes withSentences withFind word formsTransla...
One teacher said he walked well in the zoo, but he couldn’t remember other animals except birds when I asked him..At the end of day, I was on my way to school to pick him up..School called me twice since he pooped in his pants ….accident on the very first day! I cleaned up...
Sure they could’ve used the wordbizzarroto describe the food, but the translators went one step further to demonstrate just how, um, eeeeeeew some of the things that Andrew eats really are–bites of lamb’s eyeballs, beating frog hearts, all kinds of rotting meat and fish and more. Y...
So, we were plodding along, Henry style and the further we walked, the more pooped Henry was getting and even though the morning started cool, as the sun was getting higher, the coolness was fading fast. Like with many other walks, Henry needed to take a break. His break time happened ...