pitchily pitchier pitchiest pitchings pitchouts See Also What is the opposite of pitch? Sentences with the word pitch Words that rhyme with pitch What is the past tense of pitch? What is the plural of pitch? What is the adverb for pitch? What is the adjective for pitch? What is the ...
“These demagogues managed torouseto fever pitch the passions of the suffering people.” Verb ▲ To cause, stir up, excite (a feeling, thought, etc) “The reports were calculated torousefeelings of deep indignation.” Verb ▲ To grow larger or more numerous ...
Although we do not have a program for Indian or even Buddhist studies for undergraduate students like other major universities, I believe this is an excellent start for HKU. It is important that students of humanities have the opportunity to acquire the fundamental skills such as the mastery of ...
E is for Editing Published by Herb on 2021-04-06 I have wondered if this is a mistake. I have considered experimenting with retyping in my process. Could marking up a written manuscript and, instead of doing the edits in your word processor or text editor of choice, typing it fresh...
A slave looking for her true master. None have fit the bill so far. Until Terry. He spins her craving to fever pitch. And she might just fall in love with him, if she could only be his slave. Not just his. Julien and André’s, too. His gorgeous Creole lovers. Because they are...
The legal battle will continue in New York, with further court arguments set for later this year, but, for now, the New York Attorney General’s office appears to have won a substantial victory. PITCHf/x, the baseball pitch-tracking and mapping technology, has been a major boon to the ...
In a corner of my mind I will stand forever with my bat cocked, waiting for the two-one pitch from Calvin Schiraldi. — Gary Carter 3 Often I'm told I'm an inspiration to people which I will forever be grateful for. But the reality is that I'm only able to help others ...
using both the company's full name and a caricature of Harland Sanders himself. While the colonel has remained an integral part of the company's branding, the word “fried” was dropped from the logo (the agency opted for the KFC abbreviation instead) in 1991 in an effort to make the me...
What a Word is this! Jehovah God in the center of His people in all the majesty of His power! This presence alone suffices to inspire us with peace and hope. Treasures of boundless might are stored in our Jehovah, and He dwells in His church; therefore may His people shout for joy....
The group hurtled toward the holiday plants.I made a pitch for practicality. I pronounced, "You can't eat flowers.""But Mrs. Sherlock, " Kristine said, "we want flowers."Defeated, I looked at the array before us. In the middle of the display was a pot of preposterously purple mums...