Another word forOpposite ofMeaning ofRhymes withSentences withFind word formsTranslate from EnglishTranslate to EnglishWords With FriendsScrabbleCrossword / CodewordWords starting withWords ending withWords containing exactlyWords containing lettersPronounceFind conjugationsFind names ...
4. These minutes from a totally impartial meeting with our IEB (Interim Executive Board: the peeps parachuted in by the lovely government after they kicked out our own school governors – by email! – and refused the IEB put forward by Norfolk County Council. Sounds legit.) Inspiration Trust ...
Cut to today – Cinco de Mayo, 2022…when I was watching Brene Brown speaking and it was like a bomb went off in my head. It all had to do with one word: OVERWHELM Y’all – Episode 2. My jaw dropped. That’s all for today. I’m going to use this BLOG as a way to get ...
I felt like Oliver Twist, begging for more… You can’t tell how wet we are from this photo… just take my word for it. Another of the Carnegie estate homes (Dungeness) burned to the ground some time ago, and one can explore the ruins, as can the wild horses. Right near there is...
Didn't know his peeps were under secret indictment Sick of the path that'll get you hung by the neck Sent him back up north to do a super long stretch again Black folk, you know the half, don't laugh, it's... Just another case about the wrong path , Well, this ain't funny,...
So, you’ve been missing the fun of hanging out with your peeps? Cheer up! The new normal brought by this pandemic make us do almost everything remotely. And whether we like it or not, it’s time to fully embrace the digital lifestyle and take advantage of it. Now, even catching up...
And the peeps were off most of that time and thru January 4th, too. While we tried to keep Henry on some sort of schedule, the fact is that someone was always with Henry during that time. And now he has to tough it out home alone for a few hours each day. Let's just say that...
8. Get married and go for honeymoon! 9. Love hubby more than in 2011 and have more quality time together. 10. More quality time and bonding with my close friends, i.e. JCDs, DQPS peeps, Wrss gals, NTU clique and NEA gals! 11. Review these resolutions on 31 December 2012! Leave...
questions: 1-“urita”, a different word for “my daughter?” ( I know ofone word, but it doesn’t sound like that one). 2-I didn’tfully get this, “while living – the guy I like liking me isn’t easy. Other things are a miracle.- That’s the miracle.” Did she ...
First let me apologize. I’ve been a neglectful blogger. I’ve been wrapped up in getting a bunch of shizzle done, and like, making some serious stuff happen with the help and collaboration of my peeps at the Traveling Psychic Supper Club and our Director David Sauvage, Production Partner ...