West Ham did roughly what I expected, but in a rather manic way. There’d be a run of great results followed by a slump, then the same again. The low block football remained a source of frustration for the fans, and every time we lost a couple of games the cries of Moyes Out rang...
high and low, as if out for a morning stroll. I was primed for a parade of red-shouldered hawks. Nearing midday, a distant raptor out over the Hudson River lit with reddish hue. As it passed southwest along the north slope, I changed my identification to immature northern harrier...
Yes, I have come out of blogging retirement for one night. I had the chance to watch this show streamed on Twitch (for free) and I have to hand it to them for putting together a show in the Brooklyn heat in the middle of a pandemic. They introduced the ring announcer and I have...
“It was all innocent. You eating popcorn out there in the dark, and Lina, should be ashamed for even THINKING such things! Go home now.” It helps, out of self-defense, to watch “Suspicion” with the original ending in mind. Yes, the milk is poisoned. Yes Johnny killed Beaky in ...
In one case we had a person come from Maspeth by bus, bring all the stuff he bought home, and come back on the bus to check out other houses. Another advantage of the Great Woodhaven Yard Sale is that you don’t have to walk around town, illegally putting up flyers advertising your ...
Also, were Bilas and Raftery really that disappointed in Providence’s defense? We all know the Providence “D” is bad, but the announce team has spent the last two Big East tournaments thinking of synonyms for the word “disastrous”. ...