make it impracticable for deter make impossible ward make impracticable stop briefly call time take a breath stop what you're doing mark time come to standstill catch one's breath break it up more ❯ “We are seriously considering if we should cut our investment in this non-performing asset...
“Allwould be taken by the police during the raid.” Pronoun ▲ All people “Allwill be welcome to our Christmas party.” Pronoun ▲ Something after which there is no more Pronoun ▲ (informal)Informal address for a group of people
This equivalence was first presented by Geroch (1972), before being taken up in the context of the philosophical debate regarding substantivalism and relationalism by Earman (1977). More recently, Rosenstock et al. (2015) proved a categorical equivalence between models of GR and Einstein algebras...
Obesity is one of the most preventable and leading causes of death in the United States. Obesity is a serious chronic disease that can seriously damage health, including heart disease, diabetes, joint problems and more. The CDC reportsobesity affected 93 million adults in 2015 and 2016. ...
In private conversations with rank-and-file members, Jeffries and his team have taken concerns about Scott seriously, according to three Democratic lawmakers familiar with the conversations. The CBC is navigating its own generational divide on the matter and has so far stayed silent on the challenge...
It can be a big deal, Nano. A learning experience, a way to take your art seriously, a chance to finish a draft of a first book, a means of shutting off too-harsh internal saboteurs and critics . . . lots of great things can come of it. ...
When seriously practiced, the journalistic profession involves gathering information concerning individuals, locales, events, and issues. In theory such information informs people about their world, thereby strengthening “democracy.” This is exactly the reason why news organizations and individual journalists...
(I mean this statement literally means every single one without exception, and if someone has a problem with it being taken literally then maybe pick a different slogan, use a word like most or some), has fringe elements that want your abolition and to do harm to...
(I didn’t actually respond to this because at this point not only could I not get a word in edgewise, but I have always been suspicious of the woman in Arizona whose husband died from ingesting the fish cleaner. I mean, my first thought was that she probably murdered the sonofabitch. ...
So why take things so seriously? Whether the future is bliss or not, everything will come to an end. Then what? And if there is such a thing as reincarnation, then Sending the Traveler’s Clothing sings most appropriately: This life with you my beloved is like fish and water, ...