No liturgy is prescribed by God’s Word even as liturgy should be preserved insofar as it does not obscure but upholds the Word and Sacrament, God’s means of grace. These and only these deliver the benefits of Christ’s once-for-all-sacrifice: “We Lutherans know nothing of liturgy that...
Yesterday I bought a bar of Galaxy Fusions for the first time. I’m not sure exactly what was being fused with what here – but I can never resist the allure of the Latinate Plural in product naming. The Latinate Plural is basically any kind of aspirational Latinate word, rendered in ...
using both the company's full name and a caricature of Harland Sanders himself. While the colonel has remained an integral part of the company's branding, the word “fried” was dropped from the logo (the agency opted for the KFC abbreviation instead) in 1991 in an effort to make the me...
innovation is the key word. In 2010 Klinikk Hausken began implementing the revolutionary EmbryoScope ® Time-Lapse imaging technology. We were the first clinic in Norway, as well as one of the pioneers in Europe, to successfully implement this novel concept. Upon receiving its EmbryoScope®, ...
I had passed some rooms with the word Pos in red. I have always loved yellow highlighters. So I am home for a few days, changing my bandages which have morphed from big pieces of gauze to little strips of Telfa to now Disney Princess Band aids. I clean the incision with peroxide, ...
A direct translation of the English word ‘village’ is used for both økolandsby (ecovillage) and urban landsby (urban village). Interestingly this word is (or was) not usual in Norwegian (Store Norske Leksikon, 2018). Its usage has increased in rural and urban placemaking in Norway (S...
1,104 words / 7:51 It all happened in less than five seconds. If reporters and police officials are to be trusted, the fatal attack was random. Last Monday afternoon outside a Giant Eagle supermarket in North Olmsted, Ohio that had been the scene of a mu
It included the Nordic culture and the some quite fine prototypes but no, they were not or extension of any loan or credit outstanding society was interested in areas such as Greenland, the Pleiadian design. They were more on the technology prior to the effective date of this Regulation, if...
Nordic countrys first Reply X X10 owner 9KA 29 Oct 2010 handsome boy, 29 Oct 2010When is this update for the X10 O.S available???Depends on where you live and if your phone is carrier locked. SE are rol...
“Our” governments have been committing false flags and staging terror for decades now, so to think they wouldn’t do something like this is ludicrous. Gladio and its “stay-behind” networks may be one of the most historically “accepted” or “confirmed” examples of false-flag terrorism....