mindlessly undiscerningly unselectively inconstantly more ❯ “Nothing is more amateurish than to browse aimlessly all over the bookstore.” Adverb ▲ In an incoherent manner incoherently ambiguously brokenly chaotically confusedly disconnectedly disjointedly drunkenly illegibly illogically incomprehensib...
Sentences with the word repeat Words that rhyme with repeat What is the past tense of repeat? What is the plural of repeat? What is the adverb for repeat? What is the adjective for repeat? What is the noun for repeat? Translations for repeat ...
These folks simply wander mindlessly – but mostly with a smile on their face – towards their own demise. The existential thirst of the remaining 65% is harder to satisfy, but how much harder? Do they stay up all night, frantically reading books ranging from philosophy to cosmology in ...
this brutal prison dystopia would go on to achieve cult status in the west, courtesy of word-of-mouth reputation for its ludicrously gory violence,
Certain words can act as triggers, which can influence behavior and cause people to mindlessly comply with requests. A. True B. False Speeches which use defining strategies are partly persuasive because defining terms always influence to...
Thus it is what we more often call a “Knee jerk reaction” that is it is unavoidably and mindlessly reacting to a previous “insult”. Please note I’m not saying your actual analysis above or conclusion, “Defense in depth is eventually going to cripple the air travel industry as it ...
” Vincent Canby of the New York Times complained that the “wit is all pictorial. The film meanders mindlessly from one image to the next.” While some observers have speculated that the movie’s flaws were the result of factors and people other than Burton, the director says he is ...
What is another word forparrotted? Needsynonyms for parrotted? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts To have cited or referenced Past tense for to repeat (someone's words or opinions), especially to express agreement ...
repeat mindlessly more ❯ “Senator Dierking did speak very forcefully in this area, and I just want to reecho that sentiment.” Verb ▲ To resound or reverberate with (a sound or sounds) reverberate echo resound resonate sound ring boom peal rumble vibrate re-echo pulsate thunder roll chi...