he became the first of Apostles to suffer martyrdom when Herod Agrippa arrested and (according to the story) personally beheaded him (this seems rather unlikely to me) in Jerusalem. According to legend Santiago had preached for a while in Iberia prior to his execution and after his death his...
In College, I wrote a group paper titled Modern Martyrdom: Here is a quote from a source we used: “The grounds for hostility to the Christians were not always the same, and often opposition and persecution were localized. The loyalty of Christians to “Jesus as Lord,” however, was irrec...
I think you would agree with me then, that sometimes there simply isn’t a better word or group of words to describe a thing other than the words that originally describes it the best. Thus, you have the reason why the title for this book could be nothing other than:LORDS OF THE HARV...
From martyrdom to debaucherous revelry, Dennis has it covered. #49. Carolyn (girls) fufu10 // Shutterstock #49. Carolyn (girls) Total babies born in last 100 years: 544,283 Rank in 2017: #841 Total babies born in 2017: 321 Peak year: 1947 The popularity of Carolyn steadily increased ...
‘bomb’ through windows, set fire to post boxes, hid in Parliament three times (notably on Census night in 1911) and continually went on hunger strike. The suffragettes who ‘hunger struck’ were initially released early so as to avoid martyrdom but soon the authorities started force feeding ...
Hegesippus … describes the beginnings of the heresies which arose in his time, in the following words: And after James the Just had suffered martyrdom, as the Lord had also on the same account, Symeon, the son of the Lord’s uncle, Clopas, was appointed the next bishop. All proposed ...