ProtagonistElvesEuropean AmbienceFantasy CreaturesFantasy WorldFriendshipHandsome Male LeadHard-Working ProtagonistHeroesKingdomsKnightsLoyal SubordinatesMale ProtagonistMature ProtagonistMonstersPoliticsProtagonist Strong from the StartR-15Romantic SubplotRoyaltySchemes And ConspiraciesSword And MagicSword WielderTransported ...
The sense of purity and defilement is a large part of the sensibilities of traditional koryu in Japan, and depending on the system, still plays a role in how and why some modern Japanese budo (martial ways) do the things they do the way they do it, for better or worse. This sense o...
President Yoon Suk Yeol has just been arrested for illegally declaring martial law at the start of December, as well as having been impeached, in large part due to citizens protesting in the streets every day for the past six weeks despite the freezing cold winter weather in Seoul. After th...
‘Que? interrupted Mouney’; I mean, she continued, ‘He might be said to allude when talking to someone without modesty and to be explicit when talking to someone with modesty’: take the word bud’ for example – the full blooded word for the act in his words, on whom be peace, ...
But place of martial artist upper reaches, who can be willing to come the place of lower reaches? He Wudi came. He, being forced came. Also just obtains the bronze cauldron, decodes mystery. Also do not blame the He Wudi brain to make up exaggeratingly, if matter strokes carefully, but...
My earliest recollection of any type of racism—evidence of an attitude of superiority of one race over another—in my extended family is the use among my many Italian American aunts and uncles of the Italian word for eggplant (moulinyan) to refer to African Americans. As a boy, I could...
The tears began to well up again as she choked out a single word. "Why?"Bush stood on the quarterdeck of the Renown. It was late in the afternoon as his watch ended. But he didn't want to leave for some reason. He strolled to the railing and stared down at the rushing ...